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Destiny 2: Shadowkeep - Where to Find Chests on the Moon


The Moon is a new region to explore in Destiny 2 with the release of Shadowkeep. As in other regions, there are special chests with various bonuses.

Luna Region Chest Map

In total, there are 12 chests on the moon, which are hidden in different places.

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep - Regional Chest Locations

Chest 1: Anchor of Light

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep - Where to Find Chests on the Moon

Chest 2: Anchor of Light

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep - Where to Find Chests on the Moon

Chest 3: Archer's Line

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep - Where to Find Chests on the Moon

Chest 4: Archer's Line

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep - Where to Find Chests on the Moon

Chest 5: Archer's Line

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep - Where to Find Chests on the Moon

Chest 6: Anchor of Light

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep - Where to Find Chests on the Moon

Chest 7: Hellmouth

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep - Where to Find Chests on the Moon

Chest 8: Hellmouth

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep - Where to Find Chests on the Moon

Chest 9: Hellmouth

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep - Where to Find Chests on the Moon

Chest 10: Harbor of Sorrow

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep - Where to Find Chests on the Moon

Chest 11: Harbor of Sorrow

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep - Where to Find Chests on the Moon

Chest 12: Harbor of Sorrow

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep - Where to Find Chests on the Moon

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