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Anno 1800 - tips for beginners and a successful start


The first island

Anno 1800 - tips for a successful start

  • Make sure your first island has clay, as well as fertile soil for potatoes and grains. These are the most important resources for satisfying farmers and constructing the first buildings: the initial needs of your citizens will be schnapps and bread. You will also need wheat to make your beer.
  • All other types of raw materials will come in handy later, they can be brought from other islands. But be careful that the opponents do not capture all the valuable islands.
  • At the beginning of the game, even a small island can be very profitable. However, at some point you will run out of space, so there should be enough space on the first island.
  • Once you've decided on the right island, you can start laying the foundation. Keep in mind that roads are more expensive than you initially thought, and bridges are even more expensive. Therefore, build slowly and thoughtfully so as not to be in the red.


    Anno 1800 - tips for a successful start

  • An extremely important aspect of the game, especially at high difficulty levels, since the amount for the demolition of buildings is not refundable.
  • Activate planning mode with the "V" key, after which you can build, plan and, if necessary, move buildings if the plan does not work.


    Anno 1800 - tips for a successful start

  • Your population can be divided into different categories: farmers, workers, artisans, and engineers. Each class is required for specific tasks and is used as currency during construction.
  • To move from one group to another, you need to upgrade residential buildings. In return, you must satisfy their needs (alcohol, bread, fish, soap, etc.). You can find them out by clicking on the house.
  • The second factor for modernization is the number of inhabitants. Build more smaller houses to replenish the number.
  • Be careful as you need a balanced number of inhabitants for each class.
  • You can lower the rating of houses and thus return residents to the lower stratum of the population.
  • First, it is important to increase the production of wood, and then to populate the first inhabitants, so that you have a constant supply of building materials.
  • Also, fires, unrest and disease will complicate your life, so create an appropriate network of firefighters, police stations and hospitals.


    Anno 1800 - tips for a successful start

  • All battles in Anno 1800 are fought on the water.
  • Don't build too many units before the start of the war. A standing army has the advantage of being always ready for battle, but it will be costly to maintain.
  • To capture the enemy's island, you must destroy its port, which is well protected by weapons and cannons.
  • Don't sell too many ships to your allies. The same goes for cannons or sails. Who knows if they will reinforce their army with new materials and then attack you?


    Anno 1800 - tips for a successful start

  • The industry has its light and dark sides. With the help of mines, smelters and cannon craft, you will get a lot of money and funds for protection, but your inhabitants will be outraged by the pollution.
  • Therefore, industrial zones should always be built outside of your actual settlement. Imagine that this is a small colony with its own separate warehouse (as soon as a product gets to one warehouse, it becomes available to all others).
  • Also, build a fire station near the industrial area, as buildings love to explode or be sabotaged.
  • You must plan your road network in such a way that the paths of the production chain are as short as possible. Build warehouses more often so workers pick up finished products faster.
  • Thanks to the fertility and workforce system, the game allows you to choose a specialization. So why not just set aside an entire island for farmland and another for heavy factories?
  • At first glance, this specialization may seem chaotic, especially when creating trade routes, but in the long run it pays off and your capital will have more room for really large buildings.


    Anno 1800 - tips for a successful start

  • First you need to click on the farm and find the field symbol in the pop-up menu. Now you can estimate the free space for the farm - keep in mind that at 100% capacity, they take up a lot of land. Again, planning mode (V) helps you estimate in advance how much floor space you need.
  • Please note that pig farms and meat processing plants will reduce your island's reputation. Your villagers need sausage, but only to move up to a higher class, so try to balance.

    Jewelry and culture

    Anno 1800 - tips for a successful start

  • Another factor that you shouldn't underestimate. Both lead to the same result - improve your metropolis, which residents and tourists alike love. As a result, you get more money.
  • Happy residents spend the holidays and issue quests in their honor, but if you turn them against yourself, citizens will start rioting in the streets and setting fire to buildings. This is influenced by several factors: working conditions, news in the latest newspaper, air pollution, peace and, of course, luxury goods.
  • Your influence increases as your population grows, but you have a certain limit. Influence will be needed for more ships and islands, as well as improving the economy.
  • Use the newspaper to increase your influence. Through propaganda, you can replace negative articles with positive ones, thereby increasing citizen satisfaction or taxes.
  • And don't worry: the glasses you use will be back with the latest newspaper. Then you can put them directly into new propaganda or invest elsewhere.
  • At Anno 1800, factories pollute the environment and reduce the attractiveness of your island. Although this initially makes your population just unhappy, and you can drown dissatisfaction with beer, tourists will stay away from your island.
  • In general, the attractiveness of the island should not be underestimated because tourists bring in significantly more money than locals. It's not enough to just move heavy factories and pig farms to other islands - you have to decorate your city and preserve nature.
  • While you may have to put up with small trees and shrubs in the beginning, you can later build a museum or zoo. Depending on the exhibits and the animals you place in them, these buildings increase your popularity.
  • Such items and animals can be obtained by sending ships on expeditions.
  • This way you increase the attractiveness, attract more tourists and make more money. The tourist port is expensive, but it pays off once you reach the island's high appeal.


    Anno 1800 - tips for a successful start

  • First, you need enough space in your warehouses. Anno 1800 does not explain that you can expand your capabilities by building new camps in the Harbor tab.
  • If you have a surplus of goods, you can click on them at the port and see how much they cost when buying and selling.
  • Unless you really want to buy an item, I recommend always choosing the sell option. Thus, the product is sold up to the specified limit.
  • If you choose the “balanced” option instead, the specified items are not only sold to their limit, but also bought. Therefore, if you sell quickly and then consume - for example, sausage, you suddenly have unnecessary expenses.
  • Trade routes in the lower left screen show what goods other mayors need (if you have negotiated a trade with them).
  • Some require short-term goods like sewing machines, while others require endless coal. If you try to satisfy all desires, then your balance will quickly go negative.

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    1. but how to determine the fertility of the land? hops and peppers don't want to grow here on my starting island.
      is it possible to somehow determine fertility without building a port?

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