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53065887 Fallout 76

Fallout 76 - how to join the Enclave

While there are no humans in Fallout 76, the game may offer some factions that you can join. One of them is the infamous Enclave, which first appeared in Fallout 2. The Enclave is an organization made up of the ancestors of the US government, and they are known for their ruthless approach. In the new part of the series, she is hiding in an underground bunker, so in this guide you will learn how to join the faction.

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CoD: Black Ops 4 Blackout - How To Unlock Victor Reznov

If you haven't played Call of Duty: World at War, you may not know this classic character, but Reznov is definitely one of the most famous heroes in the old Call of Duty games. As such, he was added as one of the unlockable characters in Black Ops 4 Blackout. In this guide, you will learn how to get it in the "Battle Royale" mode.