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CoD: Black Ops 4 Blackout - How To Unlock Frank Woods


One of the most iconic characters in the Black Ops series is Frank Woods, so in this guide, you'll learn how to unlock this character in Blackout Battle Royale in CoD: Black Ops 4.

The first thing you need to do is find his bandana. It lies in a small area north of the shooting range, between the train station and the construction site. This location has some blue tarps, a helipad, and a Woods bandana. Please note that it does not appear in every match, therefore, even if you get there, it is not a fact that the bandana will be there.

CoD: Black Ops 4 Blackout - How To Unlock Frank Foods

The bandana is on a crate next to the helicopter, so grab it and then get into the helicopter to kill two birds with one stone.

CoD: Black Ops 4 Blackout - How To Unlock Frank Foods

Once you manage to get your hands on the helicopter and Woods bandana, fly for 45 seconds - 1 minute and try to escape from other players, as this is the final part of getting the character.

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Sergey Tatarenko
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