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Walkthrough Layers of Fear. Alternative endings


The game contains three alternative endings, which depend on your progress in the game. They are as follows:

Self portrait

In order to get this ending, you must collect all the whisper words that are associated with the character's infatuation, while avoiding items related to his wife. Avoid all mirrors, chairs and most of all her ghost that appears in episodes four and five. You must also avoid death and you must follow the rats while collecting your drawings.

Portrait of wife and child

Depending on your needs, you can see a portrait of both characters at the end of the game. You just have to focus on all the points that are associated with them. Collect whisper words associated with them and avoid rats. You should also take risks in front of ghosts and not avoid contact with your wife.

Портрет жены

Simply end the game while ignoring the collectibles available in the game. You only have to die once by her hand.

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