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Walkthrough Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear. Tavern "Three old barrels"

Side quests

The dry crier
You can open this quest by talking to Robel. It can be found at the entrance to the courtyard of the Three Old Barrels. He invites passers-by to visit the hotel and asks you to bring him a drink, as his throat is dry. If you want to help him, go inside the courtyard and find Katiru (on the first floor). Convince her that Robel deserves something to drink. After Katira agrees to your requests, return to Robel and tell him that the drink is on its way. For your efforts, you will receive 30 gold.

Corpse disposal

Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear

To start this quest, go to the backyard of the hotel and look for the corpse lying on the cart. Talk to Kaitlyn, who is standing right next to the cart, and you will learn that the deceased is one of her cousins. She will tell you that she is short of 15 gold to arrange a proper burial for her relative. You can give money to a woman or ask her story. If you choose the latter option, you will find out that the corpse belongs to her husband, who died in an accident. You can promise not to tell anyone about the revelation, or you can blackmail the woman and demand payment for what you keep locked up. If you choose the second option, you will receive 85 gold.

Bar fight

Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear

This quest will be automatically unlocked shortly after you reach the first floor of the inn. A fight will begin between Lucilla and Autinn, captains of two different ships. Bartender Natrin Belloughlin will ask you to intervene. You can do the following:

“You can let the captains figure it out for themselves. After that, you can search the corpses and find valuable items.
- You can convince the captains to stop the fight and leave. If you're in luck, talk to the bartender, who will offer you 200 gold as a reward for your accomplishments. You can either take the gold or tell the person to keep it (the latter will increase your reputation).
- Side with Lucilla and attack Autinn. You will receive a mace as a reward.
- Side with Autinn and attack Lucilla. You will receive a scimitar as a reward.

Meeting of the minds

Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear

You can open this quest by going to the top floor of the hotel. There is a group of aristocrats (Lady Araya, Lord Maxwell, Lord Atherton) located in a room adjacent to the stairs. You can overhear the conversation between them and learn that they will rebel against the Grand Council. The conversation will begin as soon as you enter the room. You can decide to kill the aristocrats - the fight will be easy. Don't forget to loot their corpses - you can find a large amount of money and some valuable things.

You can also blackmail aristocrats - you can demand items in return for your silence. Thus, you will receive 600 gold and a number of magical items - a dagger, boots and a cape.

Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear

The most fun way to complete this quest is to trick a group of aristocrats by telling them that you share their views. You can say that you are not a puppet and you make your own decisions. The aristocrats will send you to find Eldric. Ignore the mission and head back to the first floor, near the hotel entrance, to find Shael Corwin. Tell her about the plan of the aristocrats - you will be offered to help in the arrest of the traitors.

Return to the room with the aristocrats. Conduct the conversation in such a way that the traitors again talk about their intentions, so that the guard standing outside can be heard. Start by informing them that Eldric has sent a messenger and that you must continue the meeting without him. Convince them to tell them what they are up to against the Dukes of the Grand Council. In the near future, Corwin will enter the room, arresting a group of traitors. You will receive experience points and a rare gem.

What? Get Out!

Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear

This quest does not appear in your journal - it will be added to the main character's personal diary. However, you must complete it as you will receive several hundred experience points for completing it. Look for Delanda's room, located on the top floor of the hotel. You will be prompted to leave the room after a short conversation. You can agree or refuse and be aggressive towards the woman without leaving the room. After a while, she will call her bodyguard.

During the conversation, you can intimidate the guard - if this happens, he will leave the room. DeLanda will soon do the same, which will give the opportunity to freely rob her room (there you can find, for example, precious stones).

Alternative solution: fight with the bodyguard. Luckily for you, the fight won't be very difficult. After the fight, Itil Kalantrin will burst into the room and demand an explanation. Refrain from choosing aggressive dialogue options, as this will only lower your reputation. Tell him you defended yourself after Delanda's bodyguard attacked you.

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Author of the article
Sergey Tatarenko
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