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We Happy Few Guide. Survival tips


Survival is key in a new game We Happy Few... If you're new to the retro-apocalyptic town of Wellington Wells, here are four essential tips to make your life easier.

1. Your health - food, drink and sleep

We Happy Few may look like BioShock in the 1960s, but it's actually much closer to a survival simulator. You need to craft items, food, drink water, and sleep often to stay healthy.

Finding water
Water is one of the most important resources. It's pretty easy to find - water pumps provide an unlimited supply of water, but most of the water will be dirty. Using water sources does not count as theft, and you will not receive any penalties for using sinks or pumps in the environment.

Always keep the jar full and check the map to find refillable water sources. If you cannot find clean water, use filters. They can be done using the following materials:

- Metal pipe (1)
- Charcoal (1)
- Fabric (1)

Search homes for other thirst quenchers. Juice or alcohol is always fresh and can be found in Wellington Wells homes. Caution - some water sources contain the drug Joy. It has negative side effects, also beware of overdose.

Food search
Food is harder to find than water. While you can find it almost anywhere - bonfires, fireplaces, containers in abandoned houses, kitchens or stoves - it will most often be rotten or rotten. There is often a lot of food in the gardens, but it is also rotten there almost all the time.

In order to avoid the effects of food poisoning, search unconscious or dead NPCs to collect many Neximide tablets. Immediately after eating bad food, immediately take a pill to remove the negative effects. Most often, tablets can be found in the Garden District.

Look for mushrooms. They are edible, fresh and will relieve hunger. Finding them is not easy, but if you spot them, always collect them.

Negative Effects of Nutrition
- Food poisoning: Causes dizziness and nausea. It passes over time. It is caused by rotten, rancid or spoiled foods. Can be cured immediately with Neximide tablets.
- Serious food poisoning: Induces vomiting until hunger is completely drained or a Neximide tablet is taken. Causes very rotten, rancid or spoiled food.
- Hunger: -10% to restore stamina. It starts when you have not eaten for too long. Food can reduce your hunger, but spoiled foods will cause food poisoning.

2. Medical excellence - the pros and cons of the drug Joy

The drug Joy is what makes the citizens of the city so happy. The ubiquitous drug makes even those infected with the plague livable, turning citizens into reckless dumbass. Any person who does not accept Joy is immediately identified and beaten to death by the townspeople.

Joy is found in most food and water, but it is not in the food of the Garden District.

Where to find Joy
Search dead and unconscious bodies, homes, or trash cans. The pills provide the strongest kick of joy, but you can also feel the same effect from drinking water / food from the Hamlin area.

Positive Effects:
- Euphoria: In this state, the inhabitants of the city will rarely suspect you of anything, unless, of course, you yourself attack them. The effect lasts for a limited time.

Negative Effects:
- Drug release: After the euphoria disappears, there will be a drug release period, during which you will have a double suspicion, and your hunger / thirst will build up faster than usual.
- Overdose: Too much Joy leads to overdose. Your screen will go dark, and you will wake up in the nearest safe house, with exhausted health, thirst and hunger.

3. Don't arouse too much suspicion

You want to join Wellington Wells, don't you? At We Happy Few, your behavior is everything. Here is just an example of actions that are suspicious.

- Carrying weapons in public places. Hide it better!
- Theft / pickpocketing in public places. If you want to commit theft, do it while no one sees it.
- You are not taking Joy. In high-class Joyful districts, the villagers will immediately start ripening you if you don't accept Joy.
- Yellow lasers will always sound the alarm
- Climbing pipes in public places
- Attack in public places

4. Crafting is your way to success

Crafting is the best way to survive in the We Happy Few world. Recipes will open as new materials are found.

- The Basic Lock Pick is one of the first items you must create. To make it, you need 1 metal bit. The lock pick can be used to sneak into homes where you will find most of the materials.

Crafting allows you to create new types of weapons, healing elements, filters for cleaning dirty water and medicines. One of the important items is the Phenocycline Syringe, which is used to treat the plague early after infection with the disease. V this guide you will be able to learn how to create it.

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