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Transport Fever Guide. How to start production


In Transport Fever, each city requires 6 end products to maintain and grow. These are goods, machines, tools, building materials, food and fuel. They come from industries that are scattered throughout the countryside, of 3 types: commodity industries that produce oil, wheat, livestock, wood, stone, iron ore and coal; the oil refining industry, which produces materials such as plastics, steel, wood, oil / fuel, and slag; and factories that make final products for the city.

How to start production
First, you need to determine exactly what products are needed for the city, and how to make them. Take food as an example. If you hover your mouse over an industry for food production, you will find out how much of what is needed to manufacture. Food can be obtained from raw materials such as wheat and / or livestock. Find a plant that produces these elements (or an item that will work with them), and select the vehicle that you want to use.

Creation of a transport network
Once you have decided on the type of transportation, you must start building stations in the area of ​​\ uXNUMXb \ uXNUMXbthe production site. You will see how this area is highlighted when you are in build mode. Keep in mind that the location where you decide to build the stations is important as the location affects the cost. After you have built the stations, you need to connect them using a regular road or railway. If you're having trouble connecting, use a demolition tool and start over. After everything is ready, you need to build a depot (depot with trucks for the road, depot for trains for the railroad) that connects to the track between the two stations.

Choosing the right transport
After setting up the depot, click on it to buy transport. Its type depends on what materials or products you are transporting.

Tip: If you continue to see the “Cannot find track” message, check that the train depot is correctly connected to the track and that your train has the required locomotive.

Assign your transport to the line
After you have built a depot and purchased vehicles, you must now assign a technician to the appropriate line. Go to the line manager and select "New line". It will automatically highlight "Add Station" and all you have to do is add the appropriate cargo stations to this line (in the order in which you want the transport to visit them). Now you can assign your vehicle to a line or make a default line for a depot, and watch how the delivery of materials to production began.

Transportation of goods to the city
If an industry requires more than one item to produce a product, simply repeat the steps above for other products. The final step towards a thriving manufacturing industry is transporting finished goods to the city. You can do this by creating a station near the warehouse of the production site and building a second one in the city.

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