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Rush Wars is the best base placement on all maps


Below are the best base defense schemes at all HQ levels in Rush Wars. I will try to update the guide as soon as possible by adding new maps and formations.

Rush Wars is the best base placement on all maps

Every day you get a new base where you need to place and configure units again to protect the gold in your vaults. In addition, protection gives you Stars (for a higher rank) and Chests with powerful bonuses.

HQ2 card

Rush Wars is the best base placement on all maps

The main idea behind this deployment is to distract enemies with Shields while high damage units will attack opponents.

The cannon is positioned so that it can also protect small warehouses for gold. She also works as the third building that can damage the Mortar. Do not place the Pitcher next to an exploding barrel that will damage the Arcade Machine.

HQ3 card

Rush Wars is the best base placement on all maps

Possibly the best defensive tactic for this card. No matter how hard the enemies try to break through the first defensive scheme, they simply cannot do it using all the troops represented in HQ3.

Rush Wars is the best base placement on all maps

This is one of the best base formations for this map at the moment.

  • The mortar is far behind due to its very long attack range and immobility.
  • Small gold storage soaks up damage, while strong defensive units are dismantled by enemies.
  • Plumbers help distract enemies.
  • If you don't have Tesla, you can place Bazookas in this place.
    Rush Wars is the best base placement on all maps

    Another great example of base protection for HQ3.

  • Most of the time, the enemies will attack the Upper Warehouse, but they will be immediately met by the Bazooka.
  • The defenses are well built here, so the freezing barrels cannot lower your defense too much.
  • The laser can be replaced with a Gorilla or a Tank.
    Important! Guide to the writing process ...

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    Author of the article
    Sergey Tatarenko
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