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Rise of Kingdoms - Best Epic Commanders


Sun Tzu

Rise of Kingdoms - Best Epic Commanders

With his massive damage abilities and increasing skill damage with his skills, he is not only an offensive commander, but also a good defense for the flag / garrison.

Active skills

  • Art of War - Deals direct damage to a maximum of 3 targets in a fan-shaped area, and on the next turn deals additional damage to these targets. Sun Tzu gains additional rage for each enemy that falls within the radius of his skills.

    Passive skills

  • Philosophy - being the commander of a garrison, reduces the damage taken by the garrison.
  • Chief strategist - reduces the damage of troops and increases the health of the infantry.
  • Always changing tactics - increases the active damage of the skill.
  • Book of aeons - Deals 800 direct damage to a maximum of 5 targets in a fan-shaped area, and the next turn deals 200 additional damage to these targets. Sun Tzu gains an additional 50 Rage for each enemy that falls within the radius of his skills.

    Ylchi Mundok

    Rise of Kingdoms - Best Epic Commanders

    An attacking commander who can weaken the defenses of enemies with his active skill. Works great with Sun Tzu.

    Active skills

  • Water attack - attacks the target and deals huge damage. Reduces target's defense by 2 seconds.

    Passive skills

  • Cold reception - being a commander of a garrison, increases its defense.
  • Battle of Salsa - increases the attack and defense of the infantry.
  • Riposte - during an attack, the commander has a 10% chance to increase the damage of his troops in the next turn.
  • War and Peace - increases the attack and defense of the infantry by 15%.

    Joan of Arc

    Rise of Kingdoms - Best Epic Commanders

    Good support for most epic commanders.

    Active skills

  • Divine revelation - for the next 2 seconds, Joan of Arc grants her own troops and nearby allies a powerful buff that increases infantry health, increases cavalry defense, increases archers' attack and grants additional rage per second.

    Passive skills

  • The Maid of Orleans - increases the speed of gathering troops and their load.
  • Sacred refuge - a normal attack of troops with a 10% chance to heal several wounded units. The effect can only occur once every 5 seconds.
  • St. - increases normal attack damage.
  • Descent of the Goddess - for the next 4 seconds, Joan of Arc grants her own troops and nearby allies a powerful buff that increases infantry health by 30%, increases cavalry defense by 30%, increases archers' attack by 30% and gives an additional 50 fury per second.


    Rise of Kingdoms - Best Epic Commanders

    One of the most unique commanders in the game!

    Her first skill contains damage and 20% additional experience. Moreover, it can deal a lot of damage to barbarians and neutral units. Works well as the main or second commander in conjunction with Scipio.

    Active skills

  • Rebel cry - Deals huge damage to the target and reduces its rage. Decreases the target's attack for 2 seconds.

    Passive skills

  • Group battle - increases the damage inflicted on barbarians and other neutral units by troops led by this commander, and by 20% increases the commander's experience that he receives for these goals.
  • Celtic blood - restores rage and heals some of the wounded units in his army.
  • Queen of ices - regular attacks of troops have a chance to increase the damage done to the enemy.
  • Rebel roar - Deals 1000 damage to the target and reduces its rage. For 2 seconds, reduces the target's attack by 25%.

    Scipio African

    Rise of Kingdoms - Best Epic Commanders

    I would say that he is by far the best commander at epic level and the best commander for f2p. The main reason is his leadership qualities and talent. In addition, he summons a large number of troops to the battlefield.

    Active skills

  • Military life - reduces the damage taken by the troops, and increases the damage of the squad's counterattack by 5 seconds.

    Passive skills

  • Patient warrior - during an attack, Scipio has a 10% chance to increase the attack of his troops for 1 second. The effect can only occur once every 5 seconds. Also, when less than 40% of the units remain in his army, Scipio has a 10% chance to heal his slightly wounded units with a potion.
  • Conqueror of Africa - increases all damage when attacking cities of other governors.
  • Genuine aristocracy - increases the maximum load of troops.
  • Complete destruction - during an attack, Scipio has a 10% chance to increase the attack of his troops by 100% for 1 second. The effect can only occur once every 5 seconds. Also, when less than 40% of the units remain in his army, Scipio has a 15% chance to heal his slightly wounded units with a potion (500 healing).

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