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RimWorld Guide: Crafting Medicine


How to make herbal medicines

Of all three possible types of medicine, herbal medicine is the least powerful. Her current medical status is set at 60%. This means that medicinal plants cannot be used to treat serious diseases, but they are great for injuries.

There is another disadvantage of herbal medicines - they need to be stored. in a refrigerator... Otherwise, organic blends will go bad and you will need to recreate them.

However, herbal medicine is good if you need to heal prisoners or other less valuable members of your colony without investing too much time and effort in the healing process. In addition, it can serve as a complementary component for more sophisticated drug development in your laboratory.

RimWorld Guide: Crafting Medicine

Key Points:

  • Herbal medicines are made from a plant known as Healroot (or Xerigium in previous versions of the game).
  • One of your colonists must have the Growing skill at least 8, so you can plant Healroot in your growing zone.
  • It is better to protect the growing area with walls from wild animals.
  • After your crop has grown, a colonist with the Cut Cutting skill can start harvesting it, after which the plants will automatically become medicines.

    How to make regular medications

    This type of medicine is more effective than herbal medicine because it has 100% healing activity. This means it can be used to treat diseases and infections, as well as some cases of severe bleeding that cannot be treated with herbal medicines.

    Regular medicine is good enough to be used during surgery and can even cure severe diseases such as plague and malaria. However, patients should have sufficient time to rest as an adjunct to their current medicine.

    This type of medicine cannot be simply assembled - it will take a drug laboratory to produce it. There are two components to be learned in order to start manufacturing drugs: drug manufacturing and drug manufacturing.

    The requirements for both of these components are as follows:

    Production of medicines

  • Technical level: Industrial
  • Base cost: 1500
  • Manufacturing Initial Cost: 1500
  • Needed Research: Drug Manufacturing, Fundamentals of Microelectronics
  • Required research stand: Hi-tech
  • Prerequisites: No

    Drug production

  • Technical level: Industrial
  • Base cost: 500
  • Manufacturing Initial Cost: 500
  • Required Research: No
  • Required Research Bench: Simple
  • Prerequisites: No
    RimWorld Guide: Crafting Medicine

    The drug laboratory itself also needs to be built. This requires steel, plastal, timber, gold, silver and uranium. When everything is established and researched, you can begin to develop a medicine:

  • One of your colonists must have two skills to produce medicines: Medicine (at least 6) and Crafting (at least 3).
  • You will also need three types of medicine items: 3 Cloths, 1 Herbal Medicine, and 1 Neutroamine.
  • The fabric can be harvested after cotton is planted in your growing area.
  • Neutroamine Cannot be crafted manually, but can be purchased from Orbital or Caravan type vendors.


    It is currently the only type of medicine that can be obtained in a laboratory and should definitely be on your priority list when developing or buying drugs from dealers. It completely treats diseases such as malaria, sleeping sickness or plague. Because penoxycillin is an extremely powerful drug, it must be taken with caution (usually one tablet over a period of five days) or it will cause an overdose.


    Before crafting a drug, you must conduct a Penoxycillin Production study. Research requirements are as follows:

  • Technical level: Industrial
  • Base cost: 500
  • Manufacturing Initial Cost: 500
  • Needed Research: Drug Manufacturing
  • Prerequisites: No

    To create one tablet of penoxycillin, 2 neutroamines are required.

    How To Make Advanced Medicines

    This drug is the most powerful drug in RimWorld. It is twice as powerful as conventional medicine and should only be used in the most difficult situations, such as extreme cases of plague or surgical procedures that are fighting for the patient's life.

    This medication has a great chance of success during the healing process or surgery, even if your doctor has a low level of medical skill.

    Unfortunately, in the original version of the game it cannot be crafted, but can only be bought from exotic goods merchants for 110-140 silver.

    RimWorld Guide: Crafting Medicine

    But there is a way out of this situation - in the Steam Workshop free mod available, with which you can craft this medicine. However, it will be expensive:

  • 4 neutroamines
  • 2 common medicines
  • 10 fabric


    Regardless of how you decide to get the advanced medicine, be careful when using Luciferium. It is a very specific and advanced drug that is addictive. It is also the most potent health-promoting drug.

    However, if you fail to maintain a regular intake of luciferium (at least once a week), your colonists will experience uncontrollable outbursts of rage, which can lead to death. For this reason, it is recommended that this drug be given to animals only.

    Here is a list of the effects of luciferium:

  • Reduced pain (+ 80%)
  • Improved blood filtration (+ 70%)
  • Improved metabolism (+ 20%)
  • Improved blood pumping (+ 15%)
  • Improved vision (+ 15%)
  • Improved breathing (+ 10%)
  • Improved consciousness (+ 10%)

    The benefits are quite impressive, which will undoubtedly increase the survivability of your colonists or animals in battle. It can also be used to save a colonist from death.

    Luciferium has no side effects, except for strong addiction, the side effects of which will begin even after one dose.

    Addiction symptoms:

  • Mental instability
  • Acute pain (+ 40%)
  • Weakened consciousness (+ 80%)

    If you cannot quench the addiction to the drug within the next ten days, the patient will die.

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