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Into the Breach - tips for beginners

  • Explore your abilities. Besides dealing damage, your units often have passive skills. Study them and use them during the fight.
  • Don't be afraid to undo moves. You may have chosen the wrong tile or decided to remember your move. You can rewind your actions (only moves) at any time convenient for you.
  • Use terrain modifiers. Each card contains squares with additional modifiers. You can push opponents towards water or fiery squares. Important - this tactic does not work with flying enemies.
  • Use random events. The battle map is often influenced by random events such as a volcanic eruption, aerial support, or electrical discharges. Use them by pushing opponents onto the event squares. Take advantage of the fact that all random events (except for launching a rocket) are activated at the beginning of an enemy turn.
  • If you cannot kill the enemy, lure him out. You will often find yourself in a situation where your opponents have the advantage and you cannot kill them all in one turn. If you see that the next turn the enemy is busy with civilian buildings or additional objects, try to push him away from your tiles.
  • Collisions. Opponents can be pushed onto other enemies or onto mountains, causing damage as a result of the unit colliding with neighboring objects. This method works on allied units as well. You can continue the same with civilian buildings, but be prepared for the consequences - the building may not survive.
  • Allies. Often you will be forced to defend allied artillery or tanks (as a bonus target). You can control them and use them to kill enemies. Protect and use such units.
  • Use tactical blocking of enemies that appear on the next turn. All you have to do is stand in the place where the enemy should appear from the ground. You can also push your opponents. Blocking a square takes 1 health point and makes enemy units unable to join the battle. This tactic is especially viable when the field is filled with enemy units and you are not sure if you can defend civilian buildings.
  • Upgrade your Mechs wisely. You can spend reputation points in the shop to upgrade mechs. Please note that buying new weapons is not always the best choice - sometimes it is better to upgrade the mech itself or its weapons, increasing the damage done, the number of health points or the attack radius. You must spend all your reputation points after each island, otherwise they are lost.
  • Use keyboard shortcuts and tooltips. Press ALT to weaken the enemy's attack and use it to force him to attack his allies. Hover over a unit and press CTRL to see its description, attributes, and movement radius. You can point the cursor at enemy units to learn about its target and damage dealt. Almost any element displays a tooltip on hover.

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    Author of the article
    Sergey Tatarenko
    The only administrator and executor of all affairs on the site.
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