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Plants in Green Hell - Edible, Inedible and Medicinal


In this guide, you will find a list of edible, inedible, and medicinal plants that will help you survive in Green Hell. Keep in mind that the list is not complete and will be updated as new plants are found.


  • Blue mushroom - an edible mushroom that does not provide any carbohydrates
  • Cassava - looks like a big brownish light bulb and contains a lot of carbohydrates. But first you need to weld it.
  • Cocoon - Similar to a yellow tomato, good for replenishing carbohydrates and hydrating the body.
  • Ghost mushroom - also known as the brown oyster mushroom that glows at night. Can replenish small amounts of carbohydrates.
  • Heart of a palm tree - contains a large amount of carbohydrates.
  • Mushroom umbrella - gives a psychedelic effect.
  • Palm nuts - contain a large amount of fat.
  • Red Mushroom (Scarlet Goblet) - can cure parasites and replenish a small amount of carbohydrates.


  • Green cassava fruit - May cause food poisoning.
  • Green cassava flower - May cause food poisoning.
  • Merry mushroom - looks like an unhealthy porcini mushroom. May cause food poisoning.


  • Banana leaves - can be used for dressing open wounds.
  • Molineria Leaves - it has a yellow flower and distinctly formed leaves. Can be used to craft bandages.
  • Hosta wavy - It has colored leaves and purple flowers that can be used as an antidote.
  • Tobacco leaf - can be used as an antidote, as a bandage, or it can be simply dried.
  • Quassia bitter Is a spear-shaped flower that can be used to treat fever.

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Author of the article
Sergey Tatarenko
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