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Guide Friday the 13th. The best counselors


AJ Mason

Friday the 13th - Top Consultants

This heroine is difficult to scare and also difficult to find. In addition, she can quickly repair items. If you plan to run around the entire map as quickly as possible to find the items you need to fix your car, boat or phone, Mason is your choice!

Jenny Myers

Friday the 13th - Top Consultants

Jenny is also hard to scare; besides, it is much easier for her to avoid Jason's death grip. She also has a Luck score, which means she has a slight increase in her other stats, which slightly improves her speed, and makes Stealth and Stamina above average.

Brandon "Biggzy" Wilson

Friday the 13th - Top Consultants

Brandon, as one of the fastest consultants in the game, with a high level of stamina, can quickly get around the map. This is important if you want to quickly find items to repair. His cunning is not great, so you need to remember that Jason can quickly find you. However, the hero's strength, endurance and speed are set to maximum, which makes it much easier for him to stun Voorhees and run away, even if he grabbed you.

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