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Farming Simulator 2017 Guide. Animals


In this guide, you will learn the benefits of keeping cows, sheep and pigs. There are also some tips on the difficulties of keeping animals.

Farming Simulator 2017

The cows produce milk, which is automatically sold at the end of the day. If you are on a budget then try to keep your productivity at 75% - hay / silage, grass, water, straw and cleaning - all but a well-balanced diet.

Product comparison: at 75% and 100% (shown in parentheses), your productivity per 10 animals will be:

 - Profit from the sale of milk: $ 3200 ($ 4200).
 - Daily replenishment of manure and liquid manure: ~ 1800 liters (2300 liters) and ~ 1900 liters (2500 liters). This is not enough to fertilize even 1 hectare of field - for this you will need at least 30 cows, and they will not be able to give you a reasonable profit at the price of $ 50/1000 liters.
 - The rate of appearance of new individuals is one cow in 160 hours (120 hours).
 - Selling price of cows - $ 2000 / animal.
 - Daily care - $ 40 / animal.

Remember that a well-balanced diet has the highest efficiency (more than 25% increase in profit, so if you want to make money quickly, start producing this type of food as soon as possible.

Sheep are the easiest to keep, making them ideal animals for the novice farmer. They only produce wool, but they multiply quickly and you can sell them for a good price. Below you can view the production efficiency at 100% production per 10 animals:

  - Daily wool production - ~ 230 (10% wool storage capacity).
  - Estimated daily income from wool: $ 1000-1500.
  - The rate of appearance of new individuals is one sheep per 96 hours.
  - Selling price of sheep - $ 1600 / animal.
  - Daily care - $ 20 / animal.

For greater efficiency, you can invest in better lawn mowers and stern wagons; no packaging technology required.

Farming Simulator 2017

Pigs are simple. However, it is difficult to maintain their productivity at 100%, as this requires the transportation and production of many factories. You can use the $ 1200 / 1000L pig food bags available on pallets in the store. Their performance level is about 1 palette per 10 pigs per day.

Below you can view the production efficiency at 100% production per 10 animals. When mixed with food, it is easy to calculate that if you feed them corn, these values ​​drop by half, and the time for new individuals to appear doubles:

 - The rate of appearance of new individuals is one pig in 14 hours.
 - Selling price of pigs - $ 1200 / animal.
 - Daily production of manure and liquid manure: 650 liters and 500 liters.
 - Daily care - $ 30 / animal.

As you can see, after the number of animals increases to 30, the rate of new pigs spawning drops to 4 in 40 hours, which gives 6 pigs per day (assuming additional pigs also reduce production time) - which gives a profit of $ 7200 / day. After feeding them corn (50% drop in productivity), you will receive only $ 3600 / day. If you are using mixed food, you need 3 bags per day for 30 pigs, and this makes a difference at the same profit level ($ 3600). Of course, when making calculations, you must take into account the newborn piglets and additional supplies.

Therefore, the best option would be to grow corn. The yield is lower, but from 1 hectare of field you will get about 20L of corn, which will serve you for a very long time. Despite all this, pigs are not the most lucrative business. For optimal profit, transport pigs to the point of sale on your own - you will save up to $ 000 per animal.

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