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Farming Simulator Guide 18. Cultivators, seeders and fertilizer machines


Cultivators and seeding machines

You will only use the cultivators you need to loosen the soil (there are no plows in this part of the series). There are only two models available, which differ in width and how much extra load they add. After harvesting, you should always loosen your fields.

Farming Simulator Guide 18. Cultivators, seeders and fertilizer machines
"If you have a sufficiently powerful tractor, you can buy a larger planter."

Using the seeding technique, you plant the resulting vegetables / crops in the field. Two of the available models are used for planting the seeds of most crops and, as with the cultivator, the only difference is the size of the planted area per ride. However, if you want to plant potatoes, you need to use a special machine that is only suitable for potatoes.


You can use different machines to fertilize the field. They are divided into three categories, and in each of them you can find two machines - those that are of the same type differ in the size of the fertilized area and the fertilizers. Fertilizers increase yields by about 30%, but they do not affect how quickly crops grow. Artificial fertilizer needs to be refueled at your base and is expensive. However, it is a very quick way to increase the yield.

Farming Simulator Guide 18. Cultivators, seeders and fertilizer machines
"Unfortunately, the best fertilizer machine uses artificial fertilizer."

The second option is to use the pulp that can only be obtained by selling grass, or by placing straw or chaff in a biogas plant.

The third option is to use a natural fertilizer that is made from straw and animal feces (cow or pig). You can download it by placing the fertilizer machine on the fertilizer icon next to the breeding site.

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