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Fallout 76 - where to find the astronaut's spacesuit


In Fallout 76, you can find tons of different suits and types of armor, one of which is the astronaut's spacesuit. It can protect you from many threats, including radiation, so its exact location is listed below.

Go to the Broken Space Station

Fallout 76 - where to find the astronaut's spacesuit

This location is in the northern part of the map shown in the picture above. Here you will find a crashed space station, as well as many super mutants (in my case, the levels ranged from 6 to 16). In any case, you need to make your way to the part of the station, which is marked as C7.

Airlock C7

Fallout 76 - where to find the astronaut's spacesuit Fallout 76 - where to find the astronaut's spacesuit

The gateway is located on the north side of the area, near the rocks. There is a large C7 mark above the door, so you won't miss it. The door is closed, but on the right there is a block for entering a pin code - the numbers are correct 111418... You go inside and along the nearest wall you will see a row of lockers. They will contain the following items:

  • Diving suit
  • Helmet

    That's all! You have your own space suit to travel through the Wasteland.

    Fallout 76 - where to find the astronaut's spacesuit

    Note: if you want to find the door code yourself, then go to the southern part of the station, where there will be a sheet of paper with a code in a pile of metal. Be careful, as there will be a powerful super mutant nearby.

    Fallout 76 - where to find the astronaut's spacesuit Fallout 76 - where to find the astronaut's spacesuit

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