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The best Fallout 4 mods


Almost immediately after the release of Fallout 4, the developers provided the opportunity for fans to create various modifications. Thanks to this, in 4 years thousands of mods have been created that recycle the environment, add new content and improve the gameplay. They are mostly in English, but a large number mods for Fallout 4 was translated into Russian.

So that you do not waste your time looking, we have selected the 10 best modifications for you, which you should definitely download and try to play with them.

Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch

You've probably noticed a lot of mistakes when playing Fallout 4. It happens that the main character cannot go through the door or choose the desired line in the dialogue. In such cases, you have to go through the episode again. The presented modification helps to eliminate such inaccuracies. It should be noted that absolutely no textures were removed (for example, items in stock, etc.). After installing this add-on, you will definitely not encounter the problems described above.

Improved Wasteland

The best Fallout 4 mods

This addition removes blur from the game. The soapy horizon annoys many players, so the mod's developer tackled this problem. With the help of flexible settings, you can independently choose the level of blur. Thanks to the Enhanced Wasteland, the visual effect of the draw range has been significantly increased.

Weapon carrying animation

The best Fallout 4 mods

The presented modification brings realism to the game when aiming. Previously, the character would instantly enter the crosshair and close in on the target. Agree, this is too strange. Now you will be more careful about shootouts. Pay attention to the shaking of your hands, because this will directly affect the accuracy of the shots.

Improved water textures

The best Fallout 4 mods

Water is an integral part of any open world project. Before installing the mod, the water in Fallout 4 was unnatural. The mod improves the textures of all water (from lakes, rivers to small puddles and drops).

Improved settlers

The best Fallout 4 mods

In Fallout 4, there are too many monotonous characters who are not much different from each other. The modification introduces many changes to the appearance of the settlers. It is worth noting that before that there were only twenty-eight variations of appearance in the game, and with the installation of the mod it became two hundred and thirty! In addition to faces and race, clothing has also been changed. Added various hats, pants and dresses. Now you will not meet two identical characters!

Many settlers

The best Fallout 4 mods

With the help of this mod, an unlimited number of settlers in cities and other locations will appear in the game. But keep in mind that it is best not to neglect the capabilities of your computer. It is illogical to set the maximum number of characters right away, because it can reduce the frame rate. Using the settings, determine the limit of your performance and set the desired value.

Housewife - expansion for settlements

The best Fallout 4 mods

The presented mod adds many new household items and food to the game. For example, the mod brings new beds, chairs, wardrobes and more to Fallout 4. Also, some plants and other crops will appear. Buildings and other structures have undergone changes.

Improved generators

A fairly simple modification that changes the power of the generators in the game. Energy sources will now be more efficient. There are three options for changes, each of which has its own characteristics.

Crafting workbenches

The best Fallout 4 mods

With the installation of this mod in the game, the main character will be able to customize the desktop. The item crafting system has been significantly changed. Mod expands the production of grenades and drugs. Adds forged parts for some armor, as well as another workspace where you can store crafted items.

Armorsmith Extended

The best Fallout 4 mods

Quite an interesting modification that brings some realism to Fallout 4. For example, now a character can wear any clothes under the armor (and it will be visible). Also, absolutely any hat or hat can be worn with a bandana or headband. It is worth noting that some issues with the placement of items in the inventory have been fixed. Now the clothes take up a minimum of space. Plus, special crafting recipes have been added to the game.

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