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Dusk - Where to Find All Secret Levels


The old-school shooter Dusk has recently been released on Steam and is the successor to classics like Quake, Blood and Heretic. And it also has many different secrets, including 3 levels, so below you will learn how to find them.

Episode 1

Dusk - Where to Find All Secret Levels Dusk - Where to Find All Secret Levels

The first secret level can be found in the first episode, on the second map called "Down On The Farm". There is a corn maze to the right of the farm and the beginning of the map. Ignore him for now, but this is where the secret entrance is. Go through the maze and then head through the forest to the metal hut, killing all enemies in the way. Go inside and take the red key.

To the right of the key, behind the tires, there is a button - click on it. The message "Secret door open" should appear. Now return to the cornfield. Go to the very left edge if you go from the place with the red key. You will see a pit with a lid that you can open. Go downstairs where you will find the entrance to the secret level The Dim Slough.

Episode 2

Dusk - Where to Find All Secret Levels Dusk - Where to Find All Secret Levels

The second secret level is located in the second episode, on the fourth map called "The Infernal Machine". Go to a location with a ladder and a metal fence around the center. Proceed through the level until you open a door that leads to a very long fall (and a ladder to climb). There is a crack in the floor right at the bottom of this place - blow it up, where there will be one secret and an entrance to a secret level inside the pipe. But it is still closed.

Keep going through the level until you find a rather checkered, colorful room with a door at the end, which you can see in the picture above. There is also a crack in the wall here. Blow it up, go inside, kill the enemies and click on the button at the end. Now go back to the first secret, climb into the pipe, and you can open the level of The Foundry!

Episode 3

Dusk - Where to Find All Secret Levels Dusk - Where to Find All Secret Levels

The last secret sunset level can be found in Episode XNUMX, on the fourth map, Crypt of the Flesh. Once you get the yellow key, go to the room next to the starting location. Immediately to your left there is a niche with rubbish and stones, and behind them there will be a button. She opens the back of the room with a red secret location - and a passage with a door that requires a red key.

Go through the level until you find the red key, then when you're ready to leave, head back to the beginning of this door. Open it and you will find ... a bathroom. The message on the wall reads "Get rid of your sins." It's not obvious, but you have to flush the toilet. Now climb into the toilet and flush yourself - you will find yourself in the secret level The Ratacombs!

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Author of the article
Sergey Tatarenko
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