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Disco Elysium - guide and tips for passing


To better understand the new RPG Disco Elysium, I've prepared a guide with helpful tips and a short walkthrough of the main plot.

Attention, spoilers!

How long does it take to complete the story?

You have something like 7 days to go to trial. This is the only time-based event. According to the tribunal, you had to study all the options for dialogue with the "Resilient Guys" and get a pistol. If by then you have no weapons, you can still "survive", but it will be much more difficult. The tribunal automatically happens after you find Ruby, so make a save before that.

What if you don't have enough money to stay overnight?

On the first night, if it's late enough and you have no money, your partner will pay for you. Many NPCs will give you rent money on your first night, including the lady on the boat from West Pines. After that, until you open the Kuno hut or the village fisherman's hut, you will need to pay $ 25 for an overnight stay each night. You can earn them by collecting a voucher from Everett, collecting a container with a sack, or by searching areas such as an abandoned mall.

Find a residential building at the beginning

At the very beginning of the game, you can find an apartment building in the northwestern part of the city. The entrance is an unnamed doorway just above the docks where you meet Joyce. This apartment building is linked to a number of side quests throughout the game. Moreover, it is filled with money that can be found in rooms and hiding places. This is a great source of money early on in the game.

Talk to Joyce

Speaking of Joyce, be sure to meet her. It's on the docks west of the Rag Lace Hotel Dining Room. You can find her on a small boat during most of the day. Like the apartment building, she is a great source of money at the start of the game.

Cross the river on wednesday

South of where you start the game, there is a bridge across the river that is inaccessible at first. However, starting on Wednesday morning, you can cross the bridge to a small fishing village where you will find many useful things to do.

Where can I find the map?

You can buy it from the small bookstore next to the hotel where you find yourself at the start of the game. Exit your room to the balcony after collecting coins.

Disco Elysium - guide and tips for passing

Go down the stairs and exit through the front door after speaking with Kim Kitsuragi. Walk across the road to the boarded-up building. There is a little girl outside named Annette. Go to the store.

Disco Elysium - guide and tips for passing

Once in the bookstore, go up the stairs on the right and go along the balcony. There will be a collection of cards on the back wall. Interact with the cards and ask if they are for sale. You can buy a Martinize card for 90 cents. Make sure you know how to get some money, as you will need it for all sorts of things, like paying at a bar.

Disco Elysium - guide and tips for passing

The reason this card is so cheap is because it is outdated and doesn't provide many details. However, this is the best one can get at present. At the very least, you will be able to see the main attractions around you.

Having bought the card, you can see it in the magazine. Press the "Journal" button and select "Map". You will be able to see the Quai Martinez, fishermen's shacks and a church.

Where can I find the badge?

On the third day, look for the sunken car on the west side of the map and then wait for the low tide.

Where can I find a pistol?

You have to go through Everett's questline and he will arrange for you to pick up the gun behind the fishing village. The earliest you can get it is Wednesday. Also, if Ruby dies, you can pick up her weapon.

Where can I find shoes?

You will find a second pair of shoes on the hotel balcony at the end of the first night.

Where can I find Ruby?

It's behind the fresco, but you won't be able to find it until you show the bullet in the Fisherman's shack. Once you find Ruby, the tribunal will immediately appear.

Do both people need to sign?

You can take your partner's advice and ask a group of three to sign the document and forge the signature. The earliest that this can happen is Wednesday. Try to do this before 19:00 pm so you have time to get your gun.

How to assemble a complete set of armor?

  • Boots: they are on the corpse. You will need to lower the corpse, do an autopsy, and then return without a partner for a “second examination,” where you remove your shoes. Then you need to clean them up in the kitchen.
  • Gloves: fishing village. The girl in the shack will say that she buried them.
  • Helmet: On the island; the last place you visit.
  • Trousers: they are not.

How to solve the riddle of Erudite?

This is a maze. Keep choosing options until you get the right one. This is a requirement for completing the programmer's quest.

How do I get my partner to leave me alone?

There are two situations when you are alone. The first is when your partner is killed, and the second is every night when you go to bed, he also falls asleep, leaving you alone.

Walkthrough of the main plot

The storyline progresses through the investigation of the scene. Lower the corpse and perform an autopsy. Next, you need to speak to the head of the union to gain access to Tidus. Talk to him and he will send you to talk to Claesier.

Then you find that you need to talk to Ruby. On Wednesday, go to the fishing village and find the bullet in the shack you are allowed to sleep in. You will then find a path to Ruby behind a painted mural. There are two options for the development of events: Ruby escapes or dies; you can choose both.

On the 5th day, a tribunal is held. It seems to me that this could happen before day 7, but it is best to complete most of the story by day 5. After it, you can go through side quests, but the main story ends after the tribunal is held with the only option to go to the island. Please note that after this some NPCs will disappear. Finally, you will go to the island, where you will meet the real killer.

What is the password for the production program?

On Wednesday day 3, go to church. Walk inside until a guy appears in the rafters: ask him for the password.

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Author of the article
Sergey Tatarenko
The only administrator and executor of all affairs on the site.
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  1. Something I can not pass the test for awe at this fresco. The probability is 3 percent and does not increase in any way, even having pumped up to 7 points.
    As a result, the time is about 11 4 days. There is only one quest left with the programmer and that's it.
    How can I stretch the time until the start of Day 5?

    1. This happened because it was necessary to complete additional quests related to the village - open a club, look for cryptozoological animals, help the proletarian find a husband - and, in general, explore the location in order to become, as it were, spiritually closer to this village, to become like a contact mic in his best years , dare you?)

  2. I find cut, and she kills me and everything will not go back anywhere ... because of this fresco ....

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