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Battlefield 1 Guide How to Destroy a Tank


There are three types of tanks in BF 1: light, heavy and Landship. Each has powerful armor (regular bullets just bounce) and a variety of weapons. Regardless of which type you encounter, these tips should help you get ready for the appointment.

1. Play as a stormtrooper

By standard, the assault class has all the tools it needs to destroy a tank. Yes, one attack aircraft will not be enough to deal with a tank, especially if it is heavy or Landship, but its set of gadgets can cause significant damage or completely destroy the tank. Having two or three stormtroopers attacking together will be even better.

Dynamite: Very short range. If you are going to use it, do it only when the tank hasn’t noticed you yet.

- Anti-tank grenade launcher: Basic tool. Shoot grenades through buildings or walls to damage / immobilize tanks.

- Anti-tank mine: A very powerful weapon against tanks, but difficult to use on very large, open maps. This gadget is especially useful during an ambush - a properly placed mine can destroy the tracks of a tank.

- Flare Launcher: This specialized weapon is a primitive variant of the Flare Launcher. Not as powerful as a mine or grenade, but with a much longer range.

2. Never attack alone

If you are alone, you can fight at most with a light tank. Both heavy and Landship tanks can automatically repair themselves. Wait until another assault class appears nearby for your support, then attack from different sides.

3. Always destroy the tracks / cannon first.

One of the benefits of the rocket launcher is that you can aim accurately. Tanks, as a rule, have additional places for allies, therefore, the more part of the tank you destroy, the faster you can kill those inside.

When planning an ambush, focus on the tank's gun or its tracks first. After destroying them, your allies can easily throw grenades or mines at him.

4. Distract the tank's attention

- When a friend / ally shoots an enemy tank, thereby distracting it, place a mine in front of or behind the tank to destroy it.

- Even shooting with a regular pistol or frequent throwing of regular grenades can attract the tank's attention. He will look for you - in the meantime, an ally can lay a deadly surprise in the immediate vicinity of the tank.

It also works well in ambush. Wait for the tank to pass through the narrow passage and plant a mine behind it - during an ambush, tanks often retreat, thinking that it is safe there.

5. Be alert

As mentioned above, tanks can self-repair. This isn't the only trick up their sleeve - some tanks can release poisonous gas or smoke to limit your line of sight. Therefore, always be on your guard and, in which case, retreat, since another tank may well appear from behind the smoke screen.

6. Alternative classes

- Scout (Scout): The class can use a gadget called "K Bullets" - these are special ammunition that pierces armor.

- Cavalry: By default, this class's consumables include anti-tank grenades. As a cavalryman, you can ride a horse around the tank and attack it constantly.

- Tank killer: The Tank killer elite class kit is located on every map, and will give its owner the powerful Tankgewehr M1918 weapon. This anti-tank rifle has a large radius and can destroy a tank from afar. Ideal for dealing damage to heavy tanks or completely destroying light ones.

- Support class: There are special mines that are attached to various surfaces, making them much more useful than dynamite.

7. Use stationary weapons and trenches

Stationary machine guns and mortars can cause serious damage to a tank, and in the case of a light tank, completely destroy it. They are available for both teams

In addition, trenches can help in your fight against the tank. Only tanks of the Landship class can overcome them, the rest will just get stuck in them.

8. Coordinate with tankers on command

- Heavy breakthrough tank A7V: Instead of using a pitiful machine gun or flamethrower, this heavy tank is equipped with two 20mm auto-cannons that chop out enemy vehicles.

- Tank Killer Landship: All three guns used in combination can destroy any other tank. The tank is equipped with a powerful 13,2 Tankgewehr M1918 for long range hunting, and two cannons for two passengers.

One of the light tank's bonuses is its fast speed and a turret that can rotate 180 degrees. However, all of these tanks need additional teammates to take over the cannons for passengers, or infantry to distract or help immobilize enemy vehicles.

9. Don't forget about pilots too

Some planes are equipped with special anti-tank weapons, but working with pilots is not that easy - you need an organized squad and a lot of team communication, but if everything works out, bombers (and other types of biplanes) can become the kings of the battlefield.

- Bomber: Despite being slow, this biplane can drop a barrage of bombs that inflict massive damage on enemy vehicles.

- Attack aircraft: Another aircraft that is armed with bombs, but also has a 57mm cannon on the nose.

These planes are vulnerable to AA trucks or armored vehicles, so be careful.

10. If all else fails, use the Giants

The giants in Battlefield 1 are your team's final attempt to avoid defeat - or simply take revenge on the enemy.

If you have access to the Giant, use it to take apart and destroy every last tank on the map. Nothing beats its destructive power.

- Armored train: This is a bulky vehicle that moves along a predetermined trajectory. You can position behind the 57mm cannon (slot 2) or the 20mm autocannon (slot 6) to destroy ground vehicles.

- Airship L30: Even more powerful than an armored train. This massive aircraft has a great view of the war zone, where it can drop bombs and shells. The Salvo bomb (spot 1) can only destroy what is directly below the zeppelin, but the three 20mm autocannons (spots 2, 3 and 5) have a much larger radius.

- Dreadnought class ship: Usually stationed far from combat. You can use powerful artillery pieces to treat the enemy with huge shells. There are only four spots, the first two (spots 1, 2) are reserved for main artillery pieces. Each of them can fire four explosive projectiles, and there is nothing that can resist them.

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