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Resources in Aven Colony: food, water and air


For the colony to function properly in Aven Colony, you need three basic resources: food, water and air. At the start, you have a certain amount of each of them, but their supplies are quickly depleted. Thus, from the very beginning of the game, you must ensure their continuous production, since a shortage can lead to an increase in discontent and deterioration in the health of the colonists, and in extreme cases will lead to the death of the population.


Water is an important resource in your colony as it is needed not only for the colonists, but also for the production of food. Therefore, take care of her first. You have two buildings that will provide you with constant access to water - a water pump and an atmospheric condenser.

Resources in Aven Colony: food, water and air
"On some cards, performance may differ significantly from each other."

In the case of a classic pumping station, it is important to place it in the right place. Its effectiveness is shown with a blue square. The larger the square, the more water will be produced per hour. Use the pump only on maps with relatively high soil fertility.

If your map is mostly land, it is best to build not a pump, but an atmospheric condenser. It does not need any special place to build, so feel free to put it where you like.

Both sources of water will not work indefinitely, but until a certain amount of water per person is reached. You have two options: 16 or 22 units. You can also stop the production of water. In the case of a condenser, there is a fourth option, which is air dependent. Each building has 16 units installed by default and operates independently of the others.

Resources in Aven Colony: food, water and air
"A large amount of water increases the morale of the colony."


The game gives you the opportunity to choose between two food production buildings: a farm and a greenhouse. Farms require fewer construction drones, less energy, and fewer workers, and in summer they provide about the same amount of food as greenhouses. However, you should not rely on them throughout the game, as they have a significant drawback - in the winter, farm productivity drops dramatically. Therefore, it is also important to create greenhouses. Their winter productivity is reduced by 50%, which does not so much affect food production and partially reduces losses.

Fertile soil is an important aspect of food production. Because of this, every plant in Aven Colony has its own requirements. It is worth noting that the distance from the "core" of the colony to farms and greenhouses has no effect on productivity.

Resources in Aven Colony: food, water and air
"Each square shows the growth rate of the plants - the greener the better."

The game offers two types of plants: food and ingredients. They differ from each other in the manufacturing process. In the case of the first type, everything is much simpler. These plants can be consumed by colonists without any preparation. In the case of ingredients, they must be pre-processed and finished. For example, if you choose to play the Eden Crater map, you will only be able to grow raw ingredients. In this case, to avoid hunger, you must invest in a research center at the beginning of the game. Building it and upgrading it will unlock a mill and a chemical plant) that will turn raw plants into ready-to-eat foods. If you depend on the satisfaction of the colonists, you can use these buildings to diversify your diet. Subsequently, in the research center, you will be able to discover a number of new food products.

If for some reason you need to quickly increase your popularity, build some additional farms / greenhouses to increase production.


Air is the only resource that you cannot produce on your own. You have to take care of its quality. However, in the beginning you shouldn't worry too much about it - at the start you will have a fan that can easily handle a small colony.

Most buildings produce harmful gases that degrade air quality and therefore reduce the amount of oxygen. As your colony grows, you should start investing in clean air infrastructure. For this purpose, you can choose one of two buildings. The first is the intake fan, which is less efficient but cheaper.

Resources in Aven Colony: food, water and air
"Red arrows indicate pollution"

The second building is the air filter. These filters are more expensive to maintain, but they are much better at handling high levels of contamination. An additional advantage of filters is that in the later stages of the game, when bacterial contamination appears, they slow down the spread of disease in the colony. Fans can't do that.

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Author of the article
Sergey Tatarenko
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