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Archero Walkthrough - Chapter 4


First of all, keep in mind that in the fourth chapter you can only die during a boss fight, so focus all your skills on damage.

Recommended skills

- Multishot
- Front boom
- Increased attack speed
- Increased damage
- Increased critical damage
- Slave
- Shield
- Invisibility
- Firebolt
- Poisonous Arrow

Don't get skills related to ice and lightning. As a weapon, a boomerang is perfect, which can quickly clear the area of ​​enemies. Also, take 2 pets and also the healing from the Angel at gate 45, because there is no chest with life at gate 49.

Common enemies

Common enemies at this level are not overly difficult; problems can only be caused by a small green plant, because its shoots sprout randomly. Try to move in small sections and clear the area from the mobs closest to you to make room for the plant to dodge the attack.


  • Fire Mage Golem (easiest): you need to stand on the edge of the wall at the bottom. His attacks are easy to dodge - just watch out for his red laser targeting, and remember to stay against the wall and move left and right.
  • Book magician (also simple): Same strategy - when he attacks, stay on the edge of the wall and dodge by moving left and right to make the boss fireballs go past you. In the case of purple projectiles, move from one corner to another.
  • Stone golem: When it starts circling around you, just run in the opposite direction and try to avoid small rocks. Just keep to the edge of the wall and walk along it - the stones will split against the wall, and diagonally they will not be able to reach you.
  • Big tree (the heaviest of the four bosses): This boss appears to be the most troublesome boss in Chapter XNUMX. He has some pretty nasty attacks, one of which is just a bunch of shots that fly right at you. Pay close attention to the safe gaps and stay as close to the bottom wall as possible. Then the tree will jump at you three times in a row. Every time the boss lands, he sends out projectiles at all angles. Dodge them, and then try to inflict one or two blows between each jump of the tree, and then be ready to immediately actively move.

    The last attack is some fairly large projectiles that can bounce off walls. In general, it's best to level up before a fight so you can deal enough damage and chop down the tree.

  • The Dragon: To defeat him, you need the Wingman skill with 2 pets and high reflexes. Try to run away from the enemy a little and then attack immediately. Stay behind your pets if you can.

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  • 1 comment
    1. The stone golem and the big tree are the most difficult, and they fire a lot of shells, and constantly keep them in suspense by jumping / spinning. But the magician is not at all - he won several times dry, he simply did not have time to carry out a single attack, he stood and accepted 🙂 Nevertheless, he still did not figure it out with the latter - he reached him twice, but received too much. The absence of a chest on the previous level would not have played an important role the first time, but in the second, it only remained to finish off about ten percent of the health ...

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