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Archero Walkthrough - Chapter 2


This is the guide to the second chapter of Archero, which will send you into the thick of a desert storm. I assume you already know the basics: for example, which skills are better.

Note: all names are unofficial and completely fictitious.

Common enemies

  • Sandworms: annoying at first, but once you get used to them, they are easy to deal with.

    The sandworms pop out of the ground, fire three red projectiles with a small spread, then burrow and repeat the process.

    Once they appear, it takes them a second to orient themselves (good time to attack) and then fix their current position. After that, the enemies are NOT tracking you, so you just need to take a few steps to the side and you will be safe.

    Make sure you don't get hit by shells. Unlike bombs, which only deal damage after they fall, red projectiles can always harm you. They can also fly over walls, so always be on the lookout.

    If you have the Freeze Skill, it will stop the Sand Worm. Then shoot the enemy again (even if he has already attacked).

    One lesser known tip is if there is only one sandworm on the map, you can simply walk INSIDE it and it won't be able to hit you as its neck protrudes slightly from the base.

  • Spiders: usually only walk in straight lines (in any direction), but they roam everywhere and stop randomly. Spiders are faster than normal, but have limited vision. However, if they see you, they often chase you a little, and then immediately get distracted and either stop or jump to another place.

    Since spiders are unpredictable and fast, it's best to keep your distance and shoot from afar or hide behind a wall to deal with other targets first.

  • "Rabbits-cacti": An improved version of the archers.

    When you see a red line, step aside. These enemies shoot fast tornadoes, but they cannot track you, so it is very easy to dodge their attacks - the main thing is not to be in the corner. Plus, tornadoes cannot travel through walls.

  • Magic Tornado: Like past enemies, these guys just walk around for a bit and then shoot a tornado at you.

    Their tornadoes move in a curved zigzag pattern. When faced with them, DO NOT move left or right. These tornadoes are faster than you and you cannot overtake them. Instead, move up and down to avoid the attack.

    You can also use walls, as tornadoes disappear when hitting them (including the border of the map). This means that if the wizard is near the wall, you can go around it and the tornado will disappear before it reaches you.

    Archero Walkthrough - Chapter 2

  • Snakes: move faster than skeletons. When they approach you, they stop for a moment, then they approach you a short distance. You can dodge them by running or spinning around.
  • Red bombers: act as attacking enemies. They prefer to keep their distance as much as you do. If you get closer to them, then the enemies do not hesitate to throw a fast bomb, which is quite difficult to dodge.

    If you see a red bomber approaching, immediately run away. If a bomb hits you, keep running because the scorched earth will do you even more damage otherwise.

  • Fire-breathing crocodiles: breathe fire through walls and water. If they are near you, just try to get out of the way as soon as the enemies begin to inhale. If they are far away, you can simply ignore them and focus on closer goals.
  • Skeletons: you can run to the end of the level, but if you look back, you will notice several white dots on the horizon that are gradually approaching.

    The skeletons do nothing but chase you. They are slow but NEVER stop and can see you behind walls. Keep your distance and save the orange skeletons for dessert.

  • Lightning Towers: 99% of the time they won't hit you. If you see a yellow circle on you, just get out of the way. They have a fairly low priority, but at the same time they slightly restrict your movement.


  • Red Spider: when you kill him, he divides by two more. When the enemy splits a second time, you can actually kill him (in other words, there are three sizes: large, medium, small).

    Spiders behave as usual, except that they sometimes stop and attack with rings of slow red projectiles. They can be difficult to avoid, so it is best to keep your distance.

  • 2 red owls: The map has become larger, but now there are 2 red owls. They are the same as the owl from the first chapter, but now there are two of them. Avoid corners, attack the little owls first and you will be fine.
  • Great Magic Tornado: This big boss throws four tornadoes in a semicircle. The strategy is simple: Stand either at the bottom left or at the bottom right. If you just stand there and not move, 90% of his tornadoes will pass you by.
    Archero Walkthrough - Chapter 2

  • Red sand worm: Once you dodge the first attack, the fight becomes easier.

    All you have to do is stand (almost) inside the enemy. Like the small sandworms, red does not have a collision hitbox, so you can hide inside it and its attacks will pass you by (but if you find yourself a little outside, one attack can still harm you).

    The red sandworm has 4 types of attacks:

    1. Fireball - Shoots a large slow fireball that ignites a large area. It's like the bomb of the Red Bomber, but bigger and more deadly. Scorched Earth burns longer and has a wider radius, so get out of there as quickly as possible.

    2, Four Ball Volley - Shoots 4 balls at medium speed. None of them are aimed directly at you, so you can just stand still.

    3, Three Ball Volley - Shoots 4 balls at high speed. The middle one is aimed directly at you, so get out of the way.

    4. Ball Shooting - Shoots a very large bunch of balls. Some target you, some don't. This attack is difficult to avoid, but usually doable. However, it can still reach you, even if you are partially inside the Sandworm's body.

  • "Big Rabbit Cactus": the last boss with 3 attacks:

    1. Lots of tornadoes - keep your distance. Most tornadoes will walk past, but if one is nearby, dodge in short movements.

    2. Three volleys of tornadoes - just get out of the way.

    3. Rapid Attacks - The boss moves forward very quickly in a straight line, and when he reaches his destination, he shoots several tornadoes in a diagonal. As soon as the enemy starts attacks, run to the side, away from him.

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