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Archero Walkthrough - Chapter 12


This is a guide to going through the twelfth chapter of Archero, which is not very difficult and shouldn't pose a lot of problems.

Recommended equipment

  • Rings: most of the enemies are ground-based, so choose Snake + Bear or even Double Bear.
  • Weapons: most enemies are Towers that do not move, but they have a lot of health. Spit or Tornado are suitable for passing.

    Recommended skills

    Archero Walkthrough - Chapter 12


    All bosses have a crazy amount of health, so be patient. There are 10 bosses in stages 20, 30, and 3. At 10 and 20, they are interchangeable.

    Tower with three elements

    The easiest boss. It's just one tower that constantly switches between the elements of lightning, fire and ice. Fires a lot of projectiles, but you can just stay at the very bottom and to the side.

    Big tower

    The hardest boss that shoots lasers either diagonally or horizontally and vertically. It also spawns mobs. There are always three of them: a melee bat, a purple electro ghost, and a ghost bomber. The last enemy is a problem, because he can stay in another part of the room and keep throwing bombs in your direction.

    The tactics are as follows: stay in the bottom left or bottom right corner, focus on dodging bombs and don't forget about lasers.

    Final Boss

    Dual version of the lightest boss. This means a lot of projectiles will be fired at you, but again, you can mostly stay at the very bottom and to the side.

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      1. Come on, if it's not difficult) I will add it later to the guide to chapter 13 with your authorship

    1. And what about the guide on chapter 11?)) I am sitting there on two archers, I can’t get through them in any way ...

      1. My strategy was to stick closer to the center of the bottom wall (avoiding the side walls because arrows moving horizontally are confusing). Then shoot several times, and as soon as the red line disappears, dodge the projectile at the very last second. Remember where the future danger zones are and stay away from them. Repeat until the bosses are dead.

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