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Archero - best skill combos


A combo is a list of several skills that work well together. An example would be the Ricochet skill, in which your shots ricochet off enemies, and the Flame skill, which allows you to set enemies on fire.

The selection of the best combination is influenced by many different factors. For example, if you are on the third level, then you need each shot to hit the target and cause as much damage as possible to as many enemies as possible. Another factor to consider is what kind of weapon you have. Shooting tornadoes in all directions is much more rewarding than shooting arrows backwards or sideways.

Best combo skills

  • High Speed ​​Attack, Double Shot and Ricochet: This combination gets stronger as you get more skills, but the basic formula is very important. It's important to shoot more arrows at a higher speed, but if those arrows hit many enemies in one shot, you get a bonus.
    Archero - best skill combos

  • Front Arrow +1, Side Arrows +1, Diagonal Arrows, and Jump Arrows: The point of the combo is to fire as many arrows as physically possible with the effect of jumping. This will allow you to flood the room with arrows in all directions, allowing you to hit each enemy multiple times. Adding a higher rate of fire or ricochet will take this combo to the next level.
  • Also: There are many skills that have the effect of fire, ice, poison or lightning, such as spinning swords. If you use as many rotating effects as possible, no one can get close to you. We can apply the same ideology to Flame, Freeze and Poison. Allows you to maximize the damage of one shot.
    Archero - best skill combos

  • Shadow Clone, Bloodlust and Headshot: This is an odd combination that can often go unnoticed. This is because Shadow Clone and Headshot do not affect every enemy you kill - their effect is random. But in situations where they work together, the effect can be unusual. The shadow clone creates a turret that shoots at the enemy, after which the Headshot has a chance to instantly kill the enemy.
  • Shield Guard, Invincible Star and Wing: You will need one or more Spirits (pets) for this combo to work. These skills give you a lot more protection and make you much more difficult to kill.
    Archero - best skill combos

    I should note that there are other skill combinations that I have not mentioned. This is not because they are not that good, but this list is presented as a basis. Once you understand that skills can be combined and work with each other, you can experiment and create something even more deadly than in this guide.

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