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Archero - how best to spend crystals


Guide update: November 21 2019 years

There are many ways to spend gems (crystals) in Archero, and each one leads to different strategies:

  • If you want to get all the items in the game, go for gold chests, but it will take a long time
  • If you want to get an epic item as quickly as possible, then it is better to go to the merchant
  • If you want to focus on your main weapon and level it up as quickly as possible, go to the merchant
  • If you want a super powerful hero, pump Helix
  • If you want to get a bonus for all heroes, pump Taranis

    My tactics: I spent my gems on Helix, then got the Taranis heroes bonus and spent the rest on the merchant.

    Waste stones by stage

  • Early stage: energy (to farm the easiest chapter for you and get all the resources).
  • Mid game: equipment

    Option 1 (focus on hero build): Targeted purchases from merchants.

    Option 2: Buy gold chests (better than obsidian chests).

    Option 3 (farm): spend your gems on energy and actively farm resources. It takes time.

  • Late stage: energy. Farm either stones and gold to maximize your heroes, or experience on the easiest chapter for you.


    Merchant prices

    Archero - how best to spend stones (emeralds)

    Sorry, I have no information on the Rare level.

  • Purchase enough common and great weapons to get epic = 3240 gems.
  • The epic price of this weapon from the merchant is 3000 gems.

    So it's cheaper to buy epic gear, but only a little and very rarely to get the epic item you want.

    The fastest way to farm a merchant:

    - Complete Chapter 6 until you meet him (most likely it will be Chapter 7).

    - After meeting, go to the next level and restart the game immediately. Twice (new reboot method since update). It is possible that you can stay in the room with him, but I never tried.

    - Now keep playing. You may meet the seller again - I have no exact statistics, but after a double restart, it comes back about 70% of the time.

    - Every time you bump into the seller, reload the game twice and continue. You will meet him at chapter 7 and then at chapter 8 or 9.

    - This way you can meet the merchant multiple times in the same game to save energy.

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    1. An epic item in chests costs 2600, and a merchant has 3000, but you also get 9 items of various rarities. Common items farm well in an event.
      Something is unconvincing.
      The fastest way without signs to dig a legendary one is a chest for 300. Small chests - draining crystals into the wind.

      1. Hello, the guide seems to describe the process:

        - Complete Chapter 6 until you meet him (most likely it will be Chapter 7).

        - After meeting, go to the next level and restart the game immediately. Twice (new reboot method since update). It is possible that you can stay in the room with him, but I never tried.

        - Now keep playing. You may meet the seller again - I have no exact statistics, but after a double restart, it comes back about 70% of the time.

        - Every time you bump into the seller, reload the game twice and continue. You will meet him at chapter 7 and then at chapter 8 or 9.

        - This way you can meet the merchant multiple times in the same game to save energy.

        Or I misunderstood you?

    2. Give advice! I have accumulated 2 2600 times and I don’t know how best to do it, take 10 of these chests or take two heroes for 1000 and 1500, train them skills and somehow can play? Is there a point in heroes or chests?

    3. why is it better to take gold chests if they have ordinary or excellent gear. when on the devil's chests you can immediately take olich, rare, epic?

        1. no, I thought, if you take 10 obsidian for 2600 you can get at least 1 epic, on average 5 green and 4 blue items, if you translate this into ordinary items you get 78 items, for the same money you can buy 52 gold chests with a 20% chance falling out of a green object, a total of 10 green and 42 ordinary items = 72 ordinary items, and this does not take into account the fact that with 10 obs. chests can drop 2 epics

    4. If you want to get all the bonuses of the heroes, pump Taranis
      What does it mean?
      Does he have the best passive perks for heroes or what?
      What do ALL hero bonuses mean?
      Doesn't everyone need to be upgraded to level 60 separately?
      Or I don't understand something (

          1. Stronger than Bonnie. At the moment, Meugik is one of the strongest heroes, competing only with Helix

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