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Achero - How to Kill Tornado, Dragon and Big Tree bosses


Large skeleton tornado (chapter 2)

One of the most difficult bosses in this chapter, but only if you don't know its tricks. It launches a ton of annoying tornadoes that go left and right, tracking you all the time.

Achero - How to Kill Tornado, Dragon and Big Tree bosses
This angle is great for attacking.

The best tactic is to stand in the corner of the map and just attack the boss. Tornadoes tend to crash into walls, and while you do get hit from time to time, there will be far less tornadoes than if you actively try to dodge them.

Dragon (chapter 3)

This is the hardest and final boss of the chapter. If you do not have enough health before heading into battle, do not forget to take the healer from the Angel. The dragon takes up most of the room, so you have to constantly move and stand on your tiptoes. He throws all-round lightning bolts, similar to the lightning turrets from Chapter XNUMX. They are fairly easy to dodge, the hardest part being the other attacks.

The dragon will launch a whole wall of lightning, which will descend towards you. There are several gaps in between, so you'll need to walk right through them to stay unscathed. Keep an eye on the farthest part of the room, and you can see where the gaps are slightly ahead of time.

Another attack is small fireballs that will bounce around the room. Try to dodge them, otherwise you will get a lot of damage.

Big haunted tree (chapter 4)

Apparently, this boss gives players the most problems in the fourth chapter. He has some pretty nasty attacks, one of which is just a bunch of shots that fly right at you. Pay close attention to the safe gaps and stay as close to the bottom wall as possible. Then the tree will jump at you three times in a row. Every time the boss lands, he sends out projectiles at all angles. Dodge them, and then try to inflict one or two blows between each jump of the tree, and then be ready to immediately actively move.

The last attack is some fairly large projectiles that can bounce off walls. In general, it's best to level up before a fight so you can deal enough damage and chop down the tree.

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