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Walkthrough AFK Arena - Serpentine Swamp


The Serpentine Marsh is Chapter 9 of the Summits of Time, which can be unlocked after stage 14-4. It's a fairly simple adventure with no tricky puzzles or tricky riddles. You only need the heroes of the correct faction to defeat the 4 main enemies. The reward is a new artifact Blade of Dara, which is great for attacking characters.

Recommended relics

  • The Banner of Courage, which you will receive at the very beginning of the chapter. The relic gives an excellent attack buff (if you have a faction advantage) and a permanent buff to reduce the damage you take. Therefore, you must select characters with a faction advantage over the enemy.
  • Death Bite (if using Kaz)
  • Silver arrow
  • Poisonous hug
  • Relics that increase energy recovery
  • Herald of Ice and Herald of Fire
  • Relics that increase strength and critical strike chance
  • Moonstone and Sunstone

    Best Legendary Relics:

  • Thunder rolls
  • Deadly embrace
  • Rebellious heart
  • Divine hammer

    Recommended heroes

    In this chapter, bosses are not immune to control, so choose these heroes. Below are the top three:

  • This one - Brings a lot of control and heals a little.
  • Arden - the same abilities as Tazi, only simpler. In addition, it has a shield against magic damage.
  • Fox - can permanently throw one of the enemies out of the battle. He also knows how to remove the shield of Grezhul, Brutus and Lucius, and the buff of Belinda.
  • Heroes who can hit and heal: Nemora, Lucius, Rowan, Hendrik, Numisu, Brutus, Ulmus, Grezhul and Thoran.
  • Attacking heroes: Varek, Shemira, Baden, Belinda, Antandra, Thane, Satrana, Eiron and Kaz.
  • Damage increasing heroes: Rosaline and Raina.


    1... Talk to Hogan in the first location, who will give you a relic called the Banner of Courage. At the end of each battle, be sure to switch to manual combat so that you can use your ultimate at the beginning of each stage and gain an advantage over your enemies.

    2. After obtaining the relic, you will find two camps. Attack any of them according to the image below. After the destruction of the first camp, take the relic, and then attack the second camp with the same team. Don't forget to take damage relics and at least two health regen relics. If they are not there, take the energy of recovery and protection.

    AFK Arena Walkthrough - Serpentine Swamp

    3... Scroll to the right until you see another small camp (screenshot below). Destroy it and take the relic. The Thug is recommended here, but your normal team can handle it too, using the two good relics you got earlier.

    AFK Arena Walkthrough - Serpentine Swamp

    4. Important! Next, you will definitely need Shemir in the team. Destroy the Light Bearer camps. There are no relics in the first camp + there are high-level enemies, so you must have at least three Graveborn, or, as I said earlier, your squad must be supported by Shemira.

    5. Next, you will have two Light Bearers camps to choose from: one camp is a duel with several levels, and the other is a small camp with one Savage. Attack the weaker camp and recruit the Savage (Tazi and Lika are recommended). If you already have both options, choose Kaz.

    AFK Arena Walkthrough - Serpentine Swamp

    6. Destroy two Light Bearer camps next to each other. The relic is only in a small camp near the Temple of Life.

    7. Remember the farewell duo of the Light Bearers? It's time to fight them. After the victory, take the relic and move on.

    8. The next thing you have to do is go to the Graveborn camp as shown in the screenshot. Use your newly hired Savage and form a trio of Savages, including Shemira. There are no relics in this camp.

    AFK Arena Walkthrough - Serpentine Swamp

    9. Attack the two camps as shown in the screenshot below, grab the relics, and recruit Lucius or Belinda. If you don't have any of them, choose Lucius.

    AFK Arena Walkthrough - Serpentine Swamp

    10. You now have all the equipment you need to complete the Serpentine Swamp. Start destroying all of the Thrasher camps along with your newly hired Light Bearers. Lucius and Belinda are enough for an easy victory.

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    Author of the article
    Sergey Tatarenko
    The only administrator and executor of all affairs on the site.
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