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AFK Arena - Fairytale Forest walkthrough


Guide update: October 4, 2019. Added recommended hero teams and relics, walkthrough map and boss battle tactics.

Fairy Forest is the new Wonderful Journey of AFK Arena, which was added in patch 1.25. In it, you need to fix the bridge to the treasure by clicking all the plates on the map.

Recommended command:

  • Shemira, Brutus, Nemora, Lika and Tasi
  • Brutus, Shemira, Belinda, Fawkes and Lucius

Recommended relics:

  • Deadly embrace
  • Aimed at improving energy or shield
  • Powerful damage boosters

    Fairy Forest Walkthrough Map

    Walkthrough AFK Arena - Fairy Forest

    The red line is the main path you should follow. Please take a close look at the green Xs - these are the triggers you MUST use, otherwise you won't be able to navigate your way to the final island with rewards.

    1. Walk forward a little and lift one part of the bridge with the first pressure plate.

    Walkthrough AFK Arena - Fairy Forest

    2. Now go to the portal on the right, in parallel destroying the camp.

    Walkthrough AFK Arena - Fairy Forest

    3. Go downstairs and take the treasure.

    Walkthrough AFK Arena - Fairy Forest

    4. Get down even lower and attack the enemy camp. Then take the chest on the right side and press the new plate.

    Walkthrough AFK Arena - Fairy Forest

    5. Destroy or go around the camp below and use the fountain. Now head down to the next plate.

    Walkthrough AFK Arena - Fairy Forest

    6. Head left (through the destroyed tile) and take the treasure. Attack the enemy camp and activate a new plate.

    Walkthrough AFK Arena - Fairy Forest

    7. Now go to the portal on the left side (do not forget to take the chest with relics) and attack the camp above.

    Walkthrough AFK Arena - Fairy Forest

    8. Turn on the plate on the right side and take the treasure. Go back and turn left, killing all enemies.

    Walkthrough AFK Arena - Fairy Forest

    9. Go right through the destroyed tiles and attack the enemy camp.

    Walkthrough AFK Arena - Fairy Forest

    10. Go further, take the chest with relics and clear the entire location from enemies. There will be a treasure chest behind each of the camps. On the right side, you will find a large chest, behind which there is another pressure plate. However, a powerful enemy camp is located in front of them, so first you have to deal with it.

    11. Go to the portal below.

    Walkthrough AFK Arena - Fairy Forest

    12. Go down again, destroying enemy camps and picking up bonuses. Be careful, as there is a camp with two Brutus behind one of the chests! You need to turn on the next plate and then go to the left, through the destroyed tile.

    13. Clear the left location from the enemies and press the next plate.

    Walkthrough AFK Arena - Fairy Forest

    14. Go to the portal on the right side.

    15. Just above the portal exit is the last pressure plate. Kill enemies and activate it. Congratulations, the bridge is ready! Go to his right and destroy enemies to collect the final treasures.

    Walkthrough AFK Arena - Fairy Forest

    Boss battles

    At the end of the adventure, you will have two extremely difficult boss battles that go up to the third Crystal Chest (contains 5 regular Summoning Scrolls).

    1. In the first fight you will fight against 4 scregsand they are damn strong! Enemies are capable of crushing your front line in the first seconds of the battle.

    Walkthrough AFK Arena - Fairy Forest

    The best strategy is to dash so you can get the Herald of Ice and Herald of Fire relics, and restart this battle until it goes the way you want it. Yes, it's a long process, but it's the only way to win the fight if you don't have one of the teams recommended above.

    2. The second battle will pass against Zolrat and Ortros... You must do your best to kill Zolrat first. If Zolrat survives, he will restart the entire battle and this is the point where you cannot win, so collect and use all the relics as quickly as possible!

    Walkthrough AFK Arena - Fairy Forest


    Chest rewards

    Walkthrough AFK Arena - Fairy Forest


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Author of the article
Sergey Tatarenko
The only administrator and executor of all affairs on the site.
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  1. I've been restarting this adventure for 3 days, and I didn't manage to get the messenger of ice and fire in relics. Separately, they fall, but together in no way, but the sun and moonstone have already received many times, but did not pass with them. 1 Once I managed to defeat Seryg at the cost of losing the main characters (the relics seemed to be on Belinda and Shemenira), I did not go further.

  2. I did not quite understand the description in the battle with the bosses ... How to understand to play with dashes until we get the relics herald of ice and herald of fire? (The best strategy is to dash around so you can get the Herald of Ice and Herald of Fire relics, and restart this battle until it goes the way you want it.)

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