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AFK Arena Walkthrough - Indomitable Flame


Indomitable Flame - Chapter 2 Peaks of Timewhich is quite easy to complete as there are no difficult puzzles.

  • Recommended Hero Level: 120+

    Step 1

    AFK Arena Walkthrough - Indomitable Flame

    First attack the second camp on the left, behind which there will be a camp of mercenaries. There you will receive one support hero and one orb, which will come in handy later.

    I recommend that you grab the Graveborn support hero because he works well with the heroes you meet later.

    Step 2

    AFK Arena Walkthrough - Indomitable Flame

    Now go to the enemy camp on the opposite side because there is another mercenary camp behind it, a Healing Fountain and another sphere.

  • Note: By collecting all the orbs, you will increase your damage, and the sooner you get them, the more chances you have to pass Indomitable Flame.

    Step 3

    AFK Arena Walkthrough - Indomitable Flame

    It's time to get the last orb: go to the third camp and destroy it (I indicated the correct order in the screenshot above).

    If you need to revive a hero or most of your team has less than 50% health, you can use a Fountain or a Statue. Then go to battle the Demon.

    Step 4

    AFK Arena Walkthrough - Indomitable Flame

    After you defeat the demon, he will appear in a different part of the map! Fight him again with the relics you have already picked up and the power of the orbs.

    Step 5

    AFK Arena Walkthrough - Indomitable Flame

    Now there is no fire on the map, and you need to destroy ordinary enemies. First, clear the left and right sides to get all possible relics. Always choose healing items that will heal your heroes in any way possible.

    Then destroy the enemies in the center. Congratulations, you've completed the chapter)

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Author of the article
Sergey Tatarenko
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