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AFK Arena - Ice Pass Journey Walkthrough


AFK Arena 1.31 introduces a new Wonderful Journey called Ice Pass. Below you will find a detailed guide on how to complete it.

Step 1

AFK Arena - Ice Pass Journey Walkthrough

After a short but inexpressive story, you will see the Magic Tower, which must be used 2 times. The first time you destroy the snow, and the second time, the next Magic Tower will light up on the other side, which you will need later.

After that, you can pick up the treasure chest from the left side and then go to the right side where you will find several enemy camps.

Step 2

AFK Arena - Ice Pass Journey Walkthrough

Destroy the camps and take away relics and treasure chests. The battle is not very difficult - especially if you have Shemira.

Step 3

AFK Arena - Ice Pass Journey Walkthrough

At the end of this path, turn left where you will find the Magic Tower, which was lit at the beginning of Ice Pass.

Slide both carts to the left (steps 1 and 2), then use the top magic tower (3). This will destroy the bottom cart and open a path for yourself to shoot at the snowball underneath. But don't go there yet!

AFK Arena - Ice Pass Journey Walkthrough

First, move the top cart back to the correct location (4), and use the magic tower (5) again. You will blow up all the dynamite below and destroy all the obstacles that block the road to the right side.

Step 4

AFK Arena - Ice Pass Journey Walkthrough

Here you will find two battles and two treasure chests. The battles are not very difficult, and as a reward you will receive several good relics (usually they are blue).

Now go back to the left side that you cleared in the third step.

Step 5

AFK Arena - Ice Pass Journey Walkthrough

Now you need to go through two enemy camps. In the second, you will be fighting Screg and Tasi, so you may need a few tries.

Step 6

AFK Arena - Ice Pass Journey Walkthrough

Now you will see another railway and the Magic Tower that needs to be set on fire.

Move the tower to the middle position so that it can be set on fire with the tower from step 3 (keep the top tower in place).

Now move the magic tower that you see in the screenshot to the bottom position and use it again - this will destroy the barrel that is blocking the path.

Step 7

AFK Arena - Ice Pass Journey Walkthrough

A small puzzle awaits you here.

In the first step, slide the portal cart to the top position (1) so you can reach the magic tower in the middle and use it.

Now go to the camp below (2) and destroy it.

Step 8

AFK Arena - Ice Pass Journey Walkthrough

Behind the camp you will find a second portal and another Magic Tower on the railroad.

Use the switch to drag the tower to the left (it should point straight into the portal). Go back.

Step 9

AFK Arena - Ice Pass Journey Walkthrough

Follow the directions in the screenshot - put the left Magic Tower in the top position (1) and use it to set fire to the Magic Tower in the middle of the lake. After that, use the snow cannon (2) to freeze the lake in the middle and use another magic tower (3).

Step 10

AFK Arena - Ice Pass Journey Walkthrough

In the last step, you used a portal to set fire to the lower Magic Tower.

Now it's time to move the upper portal (to the cart) to the lower position and use the Magic Tower again on the lower portal to clear the path of the snowballs.

Follow the instructions in the screenshot and use the Magic Tower # 2. You can now proceed with Ice Pass.

Step 11

AFK Arena - Ice Pass Journey Walkthrough

Fights with enemies await you, which can be difficult (it took me a few tries). Perhaps if you only have bad relics you will need to restart Ice Pass. And don't forget about a few of the Healing Fountains that you have already passed.

Step 12

AFK Arena - Ice Pass Journey Walkthrough

And again the battle, but this time you will definitely need Wurk - otherwise the path behind the camp will not open.

After this battle, follow the path to the very end, destroy all the camps and collect all the treasure chests.

Step 13

AFK Arena - Ice Pass Journey Walkthrough

Go right where you will find a boss fight and the last chests.

First of all, you need to put the magic tower (1) to the right, and then move the dynamite tower (2) to the right.

It's important to put the tower on the far right or you won't get the second Crystal Chest! Just follow the instructions in the screenshot.

After using the magic tower, you can climb to the top and collect the Crystal Chest with 10 Summoning Scrolls, and then fight the boss.

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Author of the article
Sergey Tatarenko
The only administrator and executor of all affairs on the site.
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