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AFK Arena - the best heroes at levels (1.24)


Guide update: September 27, 2019. I have updated the tier list of the best heroes based on the changes in patch 1.24

1. Shemira - Rating 97

AFK Arena - the best heroes at levels (1.24)

  • Fraction: Graveborn
  • Attribute: Intelligence
  • A type: Mage
  • Role: Attacking hero

    Shemira is one of the strongest attacking heroes in the AFC Arena. Thanks to her skills Tormented Souls and Soul Drain, she can easily destroy enemies while maintaining her health. And her ability "Silence" allows you to cope with the most powerful enemy heroes.

    + Excellent massive damage

    + Powerful self-healing skill

    + Ability "Silence" will help to cope with the most dangerous enemies

    + Fits well with most teams

    - Very much depends on your ultimate skill "Tormented Souls"

    - The targets of the "Silence" skill are random, which in certain situations can lead to defeat

    - Propensity to explode

    - Quite weak at low levels, fully disclosed to the final

    2. Lucius - Rank 96

    AFK Arena - the best heroes at levels (1.24)

  • Fraction: Bearers of Light
  • Attribute: Power
  • A type: Melee
  • Role: Support / Tank

    If you are looking for a hero who can protect and heal allies, and also has the ability to tank and control the crowd, then Lucius is the best choice. In fact, the only hero in AFK Arena who can effectively tank and support his team. That is why he is an integral member of many top bundles.

    + Skill "Protection of Heaven", which gives his entire team a powerful shield

    + Skill "Divine Cleansing" for powerful healing

    + Good crowd control skill "Divine Gift"

    - Very low damage

    3. Antandra - Rating 95

    AFK Arena - the best heroes at levels (1.24)

  • Fraction: Thugs
  • Attribute: Agility
  • A type: Melee
  • Role: Tank

    Specializes in tanking, crowd control and self-healing. The most powerful ability is the ability to heal yourself. Unlike many other tanks, Antandra has both sustained and explosive healing in its kit. On top of that, she has a great crowd control skill that allows her to both burst into enemy lines and prevent enemies from reaching her teammates. Thanks to all this, it is extremely useful in most situations.

    + Very good self-healing

    + Decent crowd control

    + Good damage

    - Her main weakness is heroes with the ability to remove healing

    - Allies must attack her marked target for Antandra's healing to be more effective

    4. Gwyneth - Rating 94

    AFK Arena - the best heroes at levels (1.24)

  • Fraction: Bearers of Light
  • Attribute: Power
  • A type: Distant battle
  • Role: Attacking hero

    A ranged attacker who specializes in dealing high damage from afar. Thanks to her skill "Divine Arrow", she can completely destroy her enemies. In addition, as long as there are no enemies nearby, she gains huge bonuses to her accuracy and critical strike, which makes her especially deadly.

    Her normal attacks can inflict a burn effect, which also reduces the enemy's health regeneration, and thanks to her Burning Arrow, Gwyneth has a high chance of damaging multiple enemies with each attack, in addition to stunning them and applying the burn effect. She is also extremely powerful when paired with Hendrick, as his Crippling Shield pairs surprisingly well with her Divine Arrow skill.

    + Extremely strong ranged attack capable of dealing massive damage in crowd control

    + Can also stun enemies and reduce their health

    - Its effectiveness is greatly reduced when there are enemies near it

    - To unleash her potential, she needs a strong frontline focused on crowd control

    5. Tazi - Rating 93

    AFK Arena - the best heroes at levels (1.24)

  • Fraction: Forest dwellers
  • Attribute: Intelligence
  • A type: Mage
  • Role: Support

    Tazi is one of the strongest support heroes in AFK Arena. With the help of the Spirit of Sleep skill, she can heal teammates. She also offers the amazing Drowsiness and Banish crowd control abilities, making her a powerful support hero.

    + Amazing crowd control capabilities thanks to her Sleepiness and Banishment skills

    + Good healing with the "Spirit of sleep"

    + Due to the "Teleport" skill it is very difficult to kill her

    - Very low energy recovery

    - Sometimes "Teleport" can drive her into a very dangerous situation

    - Quite useless against enemies that are immune to crowd control, such as guild bosses

    6. Brutus - Rating 92

    AFK Arena - the best heroes at levels (1.24)

  • Fraction: Thugs
  • Attribute: Power
  • A type: Melee
  • Role: Attack Hero / Tank

    Perhaps one of the strongest heroes of the AFC Arena. Due to his skills, Brutus is difficult to kill, and the lower his health, the more damage he deals. This works well with his Last Breath, which grants him immunity to damage when his health drops to zero. On top of that, his Roar ability prevents enemies from dodging.

    But that's not all. His Whirlwind ability can destroy the enemy team, granting the hero immunity to crowd control and healing him in the process.

    + Amazing Synergy Skills

    + Extremely difficult to kill. Few heroes can resist his Last Breath skill

    + Combines with other Strength / Dexterity heroes

    - Quite weak at the beginning of the game

    - Requires large investments

    - Not very good against guild bosses

    7. Nemora - Rank 91

    AFK Arena - the best heroes at levels (1.24)

  • Fraction: Forest dwellers
  • Attribute: Intelligence
  • A type: Mage
  • Role: Support

    Along with Tazi, Nemora is one of the best support heroes in the game. However, unlike Tazi, whose main strength lies in crowd control, Nemora is mainly focused on healing her allies. Most of her skills are focused on healing + some of this healing will turn into a protective shield.

    + Excellent healing skills

    + Even her overheating is beneficial, which is another reason why she is so strong

    + Thanks to the Seduction skill, Nemora has some crowd control potential

    - Damage too low

    - No explosions

    8. Atalya - Rating 90

    AFK Arena - the best heroes at levels (1.24)

  • Fraction: Celestials
  • Attribute: Agility
  • A type: Melee
  • Role: Attacking hero

    Athalia is a melee hero who specializes in taking out enemies with extremely high burst damage. Her skill "Judgment" allows you to choose the target you want to destroy. Additionally, Athalia is considered a member of any faction, which means she can fit into any team. The only reason it doesn't rank higher on our ranking is because it is extremely difficult to get and level up.

    + Large controlled explosion damage

    + Good crowd control

    + Fits well with any team

    - One of the hardest heroes to level up

    - Weak against high dodge heroes

    9. Satran - Rating 89

    AFK Arena - the best heroes at levels (1.24)

  • Fraction: Thugs
  • Attribute: Intelligence
  • A type: Melee
  • Role: Attacking hero

    A melee hero who specializes in dealing massive damage. Unlike most scout heroes, Satran can be quite cunning, as she has the Fire Dance ability, which makes the hero almost impossible to kill (while the skill is active). In addition, her Fireseed is extremely useful against heroes who are heavily dependent on healing (such as Shemira, Antandra, or Nemora).

    + Very good defense (thanks to the Fire Dance skill)

    + Great for denying healing

    + All her abilities are aimed at massive damage

    - Fairly weak single damage

    - Vulnerable during Fire Dance ability cooldown

    10. Rosalina - Rating 87

    AFK Arena - the best heroes at levels (1.24)

  • Fraction: Light bearers
  • Attribute: Intelligence
  • A type: Mage
  • Role: Support

    A support mage who specializes in enhancing combat abilities and assisting one of his allies. It can also replenish the energy of the ally that it follows, which opens up several pleasant combinations. Apart from that, Rosalyn can give this ally a nice bonus to damage + she can control the crowd. It is best paired with Shemira or Brutus, increasing the characteristics of these heroes.

    + Offers excellent support to one of the allies

    + Thanks to the skill "Spring Cleaning" it is very difficult to kill

    - Very low damage

    - Once the Spring Cleanup skill ends, Rosalina can be easily killed

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    Author of the article
    Sergey Tatarenko
    The only administrator and executor of all affairs on the site.
    Articles written
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    1. A weird top, absolutely. Shemira is a trash can after chapters 22-23. She can play up to 25 off the hill in half, but why is it necessary? Squirrel fits much better into the endgame, starting with the 18th chapter.
      Athalia - has long been cut, and is a hero of the second class.
      Brutus is a very situational hero, as dd cannot be considered in any way, as she endured for 5 seconds to survive the same atalia in PVE - it will do, but no more.
      Antandra is one of the worst cows in the game, comparable to Kaz. One has healing, the other has evasion, only one has it to counter with dispel or damage, and the other has magic damage.
      Nemora is also not a tier 1 hero, she is quite worthy, but not for the list of tops. If you do not take into account heroes that are difficult to obtain, such as underground, heavenly and other dimensions, then you can make a list of the following heroes in this meta:
      This one
      (The list is compiled from the usefulness of the heroes on the 20+ chapter, based on my own experience, I have the 27th chapter behind me)

      1. The top was based on version 1.24 of the game, of course, it is already outdated) In the near future I am going to update it based on the current version

        1. On any forum there is such a dumbass like you, who definitely needs to shit for a useless shmarin /

        2. I also go through Shemiroi, already as the 26th chapter, endures everyone. As for me, a good hero

    2. Rose low damage? Who said that, she sits with cups stronger than Squirrels, make a lay down + a rose and see something that can already, and if you make a myth + in general, do the most damage for a fight

    3. the damage of the rosaline depends on the situation, in some rollers the total amount of damage can be obtained more than in the shemira

    4. Tazi is the best in crowd control, not Arden. Her ultimate freezes all heroes, plus she removes the strongest DD from the battle for a while.

    5. It is not entirely correct what is worth appreciating Fox: he removes the immortality of Brutus, Shemka's ult, Luz's shield and Arden's bonds

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