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AFK Arena - How to Kill Wrizz in the Labyrinth hardmode


In this guide, you will learn how to kill Wrizz on the difficult level of the AFC Arena labyrinth using the Light Bearers squad.


  • Belinda - Increases critical strike and attack rating of allies, especially in conjunction with the "Blinding Glitter" relic. In fact, she does the main damage to Wrizz.
  • Lucius - reduces damage and heals allies.
  • Estrilda - reduces damage and increases the rating of allies' attacks.
  • Fox or Thane - if the levels of both heroes are the same, it is better to take Thane to get a higher attack rating. Otherwise, Fox will do because of his faction bonus. You can also replace Thane with Atalia
  • Rosalyn - will work with Fox or Thane, but she must have a sufficient level of ascension.
  • Raina - with the help of its abilities, it increases damage to Wrizz.


  • Try to follow the most difficult path of the labyrinth, as in this case you will receive more powerful relics.
  • On the first floor, charge all the heroes who will fight Vrizz with 100% energy. So you can use ultimatums at the beginning of the battle.

    Best relics

  • Herald of Fire and Herald of Ice - reduce defense and attack.
  • Blinding Glitter - if you have Belinda in your squad.
  • Deadly embrace - kills the enemy if he has less than 15% health.
  • Sunstone and Moonstone - restore energy and health.
  • Praetorian Helm - reduces damage.
  • Coral Vow - increase the protection of the faction.
  • Blessed Hammer - gives bonus damage from automatic attacks.
  • Rolling Thunder - a good artifact for additional damage.

    Worst relics

    I do not recommend picking the following relics against Wrizz: Froststar, Recalcitrant Heart, Eagle Strike, Web Gloves, Warhorn, Sands of Time.

    Fighting strategy for the Bearers of the Light

    Try to get the maximum faction bonus. Vrizz belongs to the Thugs, and the Bearers of Light have + 25% attack against the Thugs. Also, take the relics recommended above; well, or those that simply increase your defense and attack. In a successful scenario, the maximum bonus to your team's defense will be over 180%.

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Author of the article
Sergey Tatarenko
The only administrator and executor of all affairs on the site.
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