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AFK Arena - feed heroes


In AFK Arena, feed heroes are the ones you use to level up other heroes.

The general rule of thumb is not to feed the Ascended. The main reason is that they have a much higher level cap and at the end each Ascension hero will increase your overall level by 5.

Overall, Ascended Heroes are much more difficult to obtain, as their base ascension level is Elitewhose drop chance 4,61% .

The best heroes to use as feed are legendary heroes. The maximum level of these heroes is 160, so in the final they cost nothing at all (except for Arden). They are also much easier to obtain as their basic ascension level is Rare, which has a drop chance when summoned is 43,70% ... During the game you will get a LOT of rare heroes, too much!

But the problem is that some of the legendary heroes are actually pretty good at their level. So who should you choose?

AFK Arena - feed heroes

Below you will find the priority list for feed: 1 = feed first, 2 = in the second, etc.

Important note

Keep in mind that all of the AFK Arena heroes are useful at some point - even Angelo. The point of this guide is to compare them to other heroes, because you MUST use at least one of them as feed to progress.


1.) Angelo

AFK Arena - feed heroes

Terrible hero, you should always use him as food.

2.) Morvus

AFK Arena - feed heroes

A pretty bad hero who does little damage per second (DPS). Use as feed if necessary.

3.) Hogan

AFK Arena - feed heroes

Nice solid tank - if you have nothing else to do on the front line, you can put in Hogan. Easily replaced by other heroes like Lucius.

4.) Mirael

AFK Arena - feed heroes

Can be a good hero with decent damage per second. It will work fine for most teams, but can be easily replaced by ascended heroes like Belinda.


All these heroes are in an alliance, but in reality it should only be the Mirael alliance.


1.) Ankhira

AFK Arena - feed heroes

She's a pretty bad hero, so go straight to feed.

2.) Golus

AFK Arena - feed heroes

Roughly the same hero as Hogan. A solid tank that can be useful if you have no other options.

3.) Saveas

AFK Arena - feed heroes

The infamous Saveas can be an absolute beast. Perhaps one of the best for leveling from 1 to 160. I'd be wary of using it as feed - especially if you're not sure you won't be using it at all.


Ankhira is allied with the new hero Safia. In my experience, these heroes are rarely found among friends / guild members. Ankhira is so bad that I don't recommend leaving her just for union (unless you love Safiya).

Saveas has a very strong alliance with Wurk and Numisu. However, since he is a popular hero, you can usually find many players who consider him a mercenary.


1.) Niru

AFK Arena - feed heroes

A very niche hero: in order to reach his potential, he needs a good team with clearly specialized heroes. In general, it is not worth using it, so it is sent to feed.

2.) Sylvina

AFK Arena - feed heroes

She was a good hero at first, but now there is a wider variety of ascended heroes to choose from.

3.) Vedan

AFK Arena - feed heroes

Vedan can be a very powerful hero who guides you through the early stages of the game. However, it must be well oriented and it is desirable to have the maximum union effect. If you do not plan on using him as a solo carrier hero, then it is better to choose other options.


Vedan and Sylvina are in the same alliance with Isabella. Since they are both popular heroes, you should have no problem getting them from your friends / guild members.


1.) Augie

AFK Arena - feed heroes

Bad tank that can come in handy in some stages, but overall it's not worth it. An easy choice for feed.

2.) Ira

AFK Arena - feed heroes

Can be a very good damage per second hero if you have a great alliance and other specific criteria, but for most newbies this is not feasible, so it is better to feed her.

3.) Arden

AFK Arena - feed heroes

Arden can be extremely useful even after level 160. If you are not desperate or cannot make another legendary copy of this hero, then I recommend that you do not use it as food.


Augie and Arden are in the same alliance with Nemora.

Ira is allied with Kaz and Lika.


Я not I recommend that you use Ascended Heroes as food. But if you're truly desperate, here's a subjective list of the worst Ascended heroes for each faction. It is based on their late game performance (level 240+).


AFK Arena - feed heroes


AFK Arena - feed heroes

I choose these two heroes because they are both tanks. The problem with many tanks is that you will most likely always be fighting teams of a much higher level than you. This means that any hero on the front line is likely to die quickly.

Both of these heroes simply do not have enough vitality or usefulness. Yes, at lower levels they can come in handy, but obviously not at the end of the game. They also have no union, so there is no point in keeping them.


AFK Arena - feed heroes

She is the worst Lightbearer hero at the end of the game, although she may be more useful than Rain. Esterilda is not bad and is really good at full Lightbearer teams + interacts well with some heroes. Do not feed it if you don’t like to sin.


AFK Arena - feed heroes

They currently only have 5 Ascended Heroes (2 more on the way). It's a really tough choice, but I'm leaning towards Isabella or Thoran.

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Author of the article
Sergey Tatarenko
The only administrator and executor of all affairs on the site.
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  1. I wanted to ask. If I have Belinda the Mythic and I will raise her to the Mythic +, what heroes will I need and what ascension to raise her to the Sublime?

  2. Tell. I have a lucic and a fox. Someone at the expense of another can be made red. Who to donate?

    1. I would sacrifice Fox as Lucius can effectively tank and support his team. He is an integral member of many top bundles.

  3. All the same, I don't understand ;-( That is, it is better to put your heroes in the library, not the heroes of your friends, so that they receive a bonus? And the hero who is in the library window receives the bonus?

    1. Put your heroes in sets (alliances) in the library, and each of them will receive a passive bonus until the alliance disintegrates

  4. Unions are sets in the library, I understand that now. But how do they work? and for whom do union bonuses work and when do they work?

    1. Each alliance can give you one of 3 buffs. For the first buff you need 3 heroes of one faction, for the second - 3 epic heroes, and for the third one you need legendary heroes.

      These buffs improve the characteristics of all heroes in a particular alliance. They are not permanent: if the alliance breaks up due to killing a hero, etc., you will lose them.

      As soon as the buffs are activated, all the heroes of this alliance will receive passive bonuses. Their strength does not depend on rarity; this applies to all heroes, regardless of their quality.

      Also, heroes do not need to be on the same team to receive positive effects. Each individual hero of the union will have additional bonuses all the time until the union is destroyed.

  5. Are in a union - what does this mean? What is the best way to bring them together? Or what is a union?

    1. Alliances provide various bonuses to characteristics. To create alliances, you can use both your heroes and the heroes of friends from your guild. Each alliance has three levels, which require Rare, Elite + and Legendary + specified heroes. The union will not work if at least one of the required characters is missing.

  6. Is it possible to explain more precisely what the victim is? For any heroes used in the crystal or in alliances do not disappear and are not blocked. And to increase the level (for example, from 64 to 65), you need the same amount of resources for different heroes. Then what's the difference which hero to swing for a reason. crystal?
    P.S. As I understand it, you need to download the rare, and put the main ones in the cells?
    Ps with Thanks in advance)

  7. What do heroes mean for feed? Like those that stand at the crystal, or those that are in the cells?

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