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Fallout 76 - Where to find Nuka-Cola Power Armor paint

As soon as you got your own power armor in Fallout 76, the question immediately arises in your head - how can you make it better? Therefore, instead of settling for the dull gray that most armor in the game has, you can try to find different types of colors - for example, the color of the Brotherhood of Steel or the Shelter. My favorite power armor paint is called Nuka-Cola, and in this guide you will find out its exact location.

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Fallout 76 - where to find black titanium

The main use of the black titanium in Fallout 76 is completing the "Mining Wonders" quest, for which you will receive the Excavator power armor. If you have no idea what this is all about, go to the Slag Abyss location, in the southwest corner of which is the Harrakhan miners' headquarters. Interact with one of the signs outside to start the quest. The first stage of the mission is simple: go inside and do whatever you are told, killing all enemies along the way. Eventually, you will reach the stage where you will need to craft the armor.

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Fallout 76 sniper rifle locations

After a couple of dozen hours in Fallout 76, I finally got tired of waiting for a sniper rifle to drop randomly and set out to find it myself. I ended up collecting a few places where you can find this ranged weapon, but keep in mind that the chance of spawning is not 100%. So if you could not find the sniper rifle in the first indicated location, then just go to one of the following. If none of them have a rifle, try again in a couple of hours or the next day.

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Fallout 76 - where to find treasure

Fallout 76 has a ton of useful things - from different types of weapons to resources to help you survive in the Wasteland. The game also offers to go in search of treasures that contain items and bonuses. But to get such a treasure, you will need a special map, which still needs to be deciphered in order to get to the desired place.

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Fallout 76 - where to find the alien blaster

The Alien Blaster in Fallout 76 is hidden in a place that is not marked on the map with any landmark. It can be found in the Wastes of the Toxic Valley Region in the northern part of the map. The alien weapons are in a safe that sits wide open in the radiation lake, so you don't need any hacking skills to get inside. Use the images below to find the exact location of the cannon, as well as a safe place in the water.

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Fallout 76 - where to find stash with covers

Caps in Fallout 76 are a valuable currency that can be used to buy different blueprints, ammo, weapons, armor, and more. You can earn them in different ways, including quests, events, selling unnecessary things, and more. The game also has special caches with covers, and in this guide you will find out the exact location of all such secrets.