Telegram channel with gift codes

Stellaris Codes: Utopia


To access the console, press the tilde (~) key while playing. Now you can enter one of the following cheat codes.

Note: codes do not work in Iron Man mode.

cash [amount] - Money
engineering [number] - Engineering Research Points
minerals [amount] - Minerals
influence [amount] - Influence
physics 50000 - Physical Research Points
society [number] - Social Research Points
instant_build - Instant construction
research_technologies - All technologies
resource [resource] [amount] - Get the selected amount of the resource you need
skills [value] - Add a certain number of skills to the skills of the leaders
invincible - Immortality / God Mode
damage [amount] - The selected ship takes the amount of damage you need
dt - Enable / disable FTL travel
contact - Turn on / off contact with everyone
[Planet] populate - Fill all free slots on the selected planet with the population
Survey - Explore all planets
techuptade - Rebuild the player's tech tree
attackallfleets - Make all fleets the target of other fleets
free_government - Allows you to change governments without time limits
finish_research - Complete all active research
free_policies - Allows you to change policies without restrictions, including previously disabled
instant_colony - Colonial ships will no longer linger
ai - Turn on / off enemy artificial intelligence
fast_forward [value] - Jump forward a number of days of your choice
kill_country [country id] - Instantly kills the selected country
debug_nomen - All countries under the control of artificial intelligence never agree to your proposals
debug_yesmen - All countries under the control of artificial intelligence always agree to your proposals
election - Appoint an election of a ruler
planet_resource unity 5000 - Unity
planet_resource influence 5000 - Influence

Resource cheat codes
The planet_resource command fills random tiles on the selected planet with a specific resource. Here is a complete list that you can enter into the command planet_resource [resource name]:

sr_lythuric - Gas Lythuric
sr_alien_pets - Alien Animals
sr_betharian - Betsarian Stone
sr_dark_matter - Dark matter
energy - Energy
engineering_research - Engineering studies
sr_engos - Steam Engos
food - Food
minerals - Minerals
sr_neutronium - Neutronium ore
sr_orillium - Orillium Ore
physics_research - Physical research
sr_pitharan - Pitharan Dust
sr_satramene - Gas of Satramen
society_research - Social studies
sr_teldar - Crystals of Teldar
sr_terraform_gases - Terraforming gases
sr_terraform_liquids - Terraforming fluids
sr_zro - Terraforming fluids

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