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SimAirport codes. How to get endless money


So you've set up your airport and you are making a profit, but you urgently need extra money? Don't worry, there is an easy way to get them.

Step 1

Here you can see my airport and the current amount is $ 652.

SimAirport codes. How to get endless money

Step 2

Save your airport and remember the name you gave it. Now press the 0 button in the lower right corner of the save screen to find out where the save file is.

SimAirport codes. How to get endless money

Step 3

Go to the address you learned and open the last save file of your airport .airport using notepad.

SimAirport codes. How to get endless money

Step 4

Now press Ctrl + F and in the search bar enter Libra.

SimAirport codes. How to get endless money

Step 5

Place the amount of money you want - for example, I bet a million dollars.

SimAirport codes. How to get endless money

Step 6

Save your changes and load the last save in the game. As you can see, I now have $ 1,000,000 in my account.

SimAirport codes. How to get endless money

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