Telegram channel with gift codes

Planet Coaster Cheats and Codes

  • Name the kart track Bollardto enable the ability to ride them! Use WASD to control the map.
  • Name the guest Andy chappellto watch him zip around the go-kart track at super speed.
  • Name the security guard Lockettmanto see the guests bounce off of it.
  • Name the employee David Getleyto increase crime in the park.
  • Name the guest James Taylorto reduce friction on all slides and some tracks.
  • Name the guest Andy fletcherto remove friction on all slides and some tracks.
  • Name the store McLintheso that everyone in the park farts.
  • Name the guest Tegidcamto switch to first person view.
  • Name the employee Steve wilkinsto increase the repair speed.
  • Name the slide Frontierto eliminate the possibility of breakage.

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