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Endless Space 2 Cheat Codes How To Get More Race Trait Points


1. Go to Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ SteamApps \ common \ Endless Space 2 \ Public \ Simulation \. This is the default path for the game, you may have it differently.

2. Find the FactionTraits [Affinity] .xml file and open it with notepad.

3. In this file, you need to find the line Affinity Name ="AffinitySower" Family ="Affinity" Hidden ="false" Cost ="60" and change the number to the one you need. The race of Sovers is listed here, the rest are searched by name in English.

Main races

Unfallen - The Unfallen
Horatio - Horatio
Riftborn - Riftborn
United Empire - United Empire
Vodyani - Vodyani
Lumeris - Lumeria
Cravers - Devourers
Sophons - Sophons

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