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Snowrunner - passage of the mission "Drainage"

Snowrunner - Drainage mission walkthrough

In this guide, you will learn how to complete the Drainage mission and find all the pumps in Snowrunner.

Steel river

Snowrunner - Drainage mission walkthrough

  • Blue path: longer but safer route. It runs through rocky terrain.
  • Red path: short but dangerous route. It runs through swamps and mud.


Snowrunner - Drainage mission walkthrough

Following the City Warehouse route, keep to the road and turn left where you need to cross the bridge. Then turn right and on your left you will see a swamp - there is a pump waiting for you.


Snowrunner - Drainage mission walkthrough

After you find the pump near the farm, take the road out of the garage or warehouse. After climbing towards the camp, you will find a swamp in the corner of the map.

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Author of the article
Sergey Tatarenko
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