This boss is located in the Upper Tower - Dojo of Ashina Castle. Return to the first idol in Ashina Castle, then take the path on the right and go up to the roof. Follow it until you reach the entrance to the high tower in the center of the location.
Heading: Gaida
Guides, tips and walkthroughs for PC and mobile games (iOS / Android).
From the Ashina Reservoir idol, jump over the two tree branches to the left, after which you will find yourself in the enemy camp between the archer and the drummer. Follow the drummer to the rock, then look to the right.
Sekiro Shadows Die Twice has a variety of bosses of varying difficulty that can be found at different points in the game. Each of them has a unique set of movements and mechanics, so in this guide you will learn the approach to killing all the bosses.
To find this boss, take the road to the left after entering Ashina Castle, open the gate and jump down. You will find an Idol with two big guys with hammers beside him and a staircase leading to the temple where you first saw the Divine Heir in the Prologue.
After you kill the Burning Bull, head up the stairs of Ashina Castle. This boss will be at the top of the stairs along with four archers, so kill them first. This boss is exactly the same as General Naomori, but with more health, stamina and attack power.
This boss is located in the Ashina Outskirts - Ladder on the wall. You will find him in the next location after the Giant in the Stocks.
You will encounter this boss right after you fight Gyoubu Oniwa in the Ashina Outskirts Main Castle. Blazing Bull has a lot of health, but luckily it only has one life and cannot block your attacks. In addition, his only attacks are horns, so you will be completely safe behind him. The bull has two main movements - it runs towards you or quickly attacks with horns, standing still.
You can find this enemy at Hirata Estate - Manor Road. You must use the bell that you received from the old woman in the Ashina Outskirts, between the battles with the Giant in the Stocks and General Naomori.
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This enemy is an acquaintance of Owl and has unfinished business with you. After defeating Juzou the Drunkard, you can enter Hirata's Audience Chamber, which he was guarding.