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There are no more Ultimate Aghanims in Dota 2, but the memories of them remained in the minds of fans


More recently, Dota 2 was extremely predictable, which was successfully used by gambling fans who placed bets on the site. The fact is that there used to be heroes with "broken" talents who won matches alone. Fortunately, today the situation has changed dramatically, but all the same, the characters that inspired fear in many esports players deserve special attention.


After the last update in Dota 2, Abaddon's Aghanim is less effective than before. This item now allows the hero to attack opponents with periodic strikes while his teammates absorb damage. If we talk about the old days, then Abaddon actually directed some of the enemy damage to himself, thanks to which all his partners survived.

Such a strategy, as a rule, led to a positive result, since one team won the fight cleanly, and the second could not do it, although it was better to use ultimates. In addition, the situation for Abaddon's opponents worsened also because the hero needed only 4200 gold coins to buy a key item.


One of Silenser's most effective talents is the last word. If you use it correctly, you can keep the enemy team in a confined space for up to 12 seconds. From the outside it looks really threatening, but it was even worse once. In particular, if Silencer quickly bought Aghanim, then his abilities improved many times over. In fact, the hero could hold opponents in one place and deal damage at the same time. At the same time, the enemies did not particularly try to provide worthy resistance, since in a stationary state it is an almost impossible task. Consequently, Aghanim turned into Silenser's ultimate ability, thanks to which the scenario of certain matches was turned upside down.


Outworld devourer

OD is one of the strongest heroes in Dota 2. Unsurprisingly, many professional teams draft him when the opportunity arises. Of course, OD has a built-in Aghanim, like other metat characters, but now this ability is not very effective. It only allows the player to use two Astrals in a row, so potential opponents of OD feel a certain freedom.

However, before the situation was completely different: Outworld Devourer bought Aghanim, and then went to destroy enemies, using the ultimate talent. If an opponent fell into a trap, he automatically lost some of his intelligence, so he died pretty quickly. Theoretically, it was possible to send 5 rivals to the Astral. If OD did this, then he received a bonus to strength (additional damage), due to which he single-handedly won fights.


Tini is a specific hero who becomes extremely powerful in almost every game, especially if you allow him to quickly reach a high level and earn gold. Now it is possible to stop this character, but earlier there were problems with solving this problem. Tini saved money for Aghanim, and then used the branches as a weapon. Despite the fact that from the outside it looked rather comical (a relatively small character threw large branches), the enemies suffered seriously. Weak heroes died from one blow, and a combination of talents was used to kill stronger ones. In addition, with a branch in his hands, Tini quickly destroyed creeps, single-handedly destroyed enemy buildings and could attack opponents at a long distance.

Agree that to provide worthy competition to such a character is a difficult task, especially if he competently uses the support of Wisp. By the way, Wisp itself did not pose a serious threat, but he could “share” his health with his teammates, so he was often chosen in the drafts.

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