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How to get to Destiny 2 tournaments and can you earn money from them

How to get to Destiny 2 tournaments and can you earn money from them

As soon as a player notices that his skill is noticeably higher than that of most of his rivals and players in general, he reasonably has certain ambitions, and in particular, this applies to esports. After all, if there is an opportunity to convert your skills into real profit, why not? 

Of course, more often than not, most semi-professional players lead to the conclusion that it is easier to just bet on eSports on and earn income using their knowledge and understanding of the game, but for some there are few such prospects, and they want to become real champions and stars of esports in their discipline.

In this regard, many skilled players in Destiny 2 are wondering if there are tournaments for this game and how to participate in them.

Where can I find tournaments?

Destiny 2 tournaments do take place, and there are enough of them to compete on a regular basis. But at the same time, there is one problem that will disappoint many readers of this article - it is almost impossible to make money on it. Almost all tournaments that are held are amateur, and the prize money for them is not that low, but in principle are absent in monetary terms. Most often, Destiny 2 tournaments are events organized by community members, as a result of which the player can receive in-game currency or some kind of symbolic prizes.

How to get to Destiny 2 tournaments and can you earn money from them

Why is that?

There are many reasons why Destiny 2 is not a promising esports discipline right now, including: an unusual game format, lack of interest in a competitive discipline, insufficient popularity of a shooter, and others. But one of the key reasons can be called the fact that the developers themselves prevent any major sponsor from becoming interested in esports in their game.

Unbeknownst to most players, the developers have published an extensive list of rules that companies hosting Destiny 2 tournaments must adhere to. One point is that the budget for one event should not exceed $ 5, which includes both prize money and payment royalties to all staff and invited media personalities. It would seem that this is already quite a significant blow to sponsors, but there is another, no less interesting point, according to which the company cannot hold tournaments with a total budget of more than 000 dollars during a year. In doing so, Bungie will audit tournament organizers' accounting records. 

Would anyone agree to hold tournaments on these terms? You can be sure that it never will. Will Bungie change their rules? It is also unknown, but now it is clear that the developer is not interested in the development of esports and no changes are expected. You just have to wait.

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Author of the article
Sergey Tatarenko
The only administrator and executor of all affairs on the site.
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