An up-to-date list of working codes for Boku No Roblox: Remastered, which you can exchange for money and upgrade your character.
Where to enter codes
1. Enter the game and find the "Menu" button on the side of the screen.
2. Press "Options", then "Codes" and enter one of the work codes.
Working Codes
- Sc4rySkel3ton - 25,000 money
- newu1s - 50 money
- 1MFAVS - 25,000 money
Deprecated codes
- 300MVISITS - 30 money
- man1f3st - 50 money
- echoeyesonYT5K - 25,000 money
- bl4ckwh1p - 50 money
- sh1ns0 - 50 money
- cl3ss1A - 50 money
- th4nky0u - 25,000 money
- mhaseason5 - 50,000 money
- DessiNoRevamp - 25,000 money
- m4ihats8me - 50,000 money
- newyear2021 - 50,000 money
- mrc0mpr3ss - 50,000 money
- DessiXmas2020 - 25,000 money
- THXGIVING - 25,000 cash
- d4bi
- HallowDessi2020 - 25,000 cash
- sp00ky - 50,000 money
- t0muraAll4one - 50,000 money
- er4serh3ad — 50,000 денег
- BokuNoTw1tt3r - 25,000 money
Cool improved app