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AFK Arena - Sandy Highway 2 Walkthrough

AFK Arena - Sandy Highway 2 Walkthrough

AFK Arena received update 1.46, which added another Wonderful Journey to the game - Sand Highway 2. In it you need to lead a mine cart with supplies across the entire map, destroy all enemies and pick up a chest with Astrologer's cards.


AFK Arena - Sandy Highway 2 Walkthrough

Step 1

In the beginning, you just need to use the lever next to the wagon, after which it will be in the next part of the map. Make sure the cart goes through all the red dots on the tracks.

AFK Arena - Sandy Highway 2 Walkthrough

Step 2

Destroy the camp, then go up and slide the left cart down with the lower left switch, and then lift up the red button with the upper right switch.

AFK Arena - Sandy Highway 2 Walkthrough

Now you can use the lever and your cart will drive through the gate and into a new part of the map. Do not forget to destroy all the camps on your way and collect the Golden Chests.

Step 3

Now use the blue lever once. The bottom blue stone must be at the top and the top blue stone must be at the bottom for the wagon to move along the upper route.

AFK Arena - Sandy Highway 2 Walkthrough

Now go right and move the cart from the left to the top and the red button to the bottom (in the screenshot). Don't forget to deal with the camps.

AFK Arena - Sandy Highway 2 Walkthrough

Finally, go up and slide down the cart in front of the gate so that your supply wagon will move towards the gate.

AFK Arena - Sandy Highway 2 Walkthrough

Step 4

Destroy all enemy camps and then move the red button above the yellow lever to the top position.

AFK Arena - Sandy Highway 2 Walkthrough

Then use the yellow lever to raise the lower yellow stone and lower the upper yellow stone. The wagon must follow the upper track.

Step 5

Walk left to find several switches.

Move the upper cart down and the lower cart to the right. Also at the top there is an enemy camp that needs to be destroyed.

AFK Arena - Sandy Highway 2 Walkthrough

Step 6

Go left again and move the leftmost red button to the top position (screenshot) and use the red lever at the top of the map once. You can now send the supply wagon to the next gate.

AFK Arena - Sandy Highway 2 Walkthrough

Step 7

Destroy the last two camps and collect the Golden Chests, then click on the supply wagon at the last point of the path to receive the Crystal Chest with Stargazer Cards.

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Author of the article
Sergey Tatarenko
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