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AFK Arena - Walkthrough Sandy Highway

AFK Arena - Sandy Highway travel walkthrough

Update 1.42 added a new Wonderful Journey to AFK Arena called Sandy Highway. In it you need to solve a simple puzzle and destroy all the camps. There isn't even a real boss fight this time around on the journey.


afk arena awards sand highway

  • A chest with a hero of your choice - Rigby, Satran, Lorsan, Isolde, Flora or 10 faction scrolls
  • Cards for the new event "Wizard's Hat"
  • 1000 diamonds
  • 10 scrolls of summoning

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Step 1

Go left, destroy the camp on your way and take the Golden Chest.

AFK Arena - Sandy Highway travel walkthrough

On the left side, you will find a railroad lever as well as a cart that you need to move out of the way using the railroad lever and the right railroad switch (as shown in the screenshot).

Step 2

To defeat the boss on the railroad, you first need to get some relics. Go right, destroy two camps and collect Golden Chests.

AFK Arena - Sandy Highway travel walkthrough

Step 3

Now you need to lower the yellow stone using the yellow lever. Climb up and go right, destroying the camps on your way. Clear another camp on site, grab the chest and pull the yellow lever down so that the stone below will open the way to Portal 1.

AFK Arena - Sandy Highway travel walkthrough

Step 4

Go back and destroy the boss camp on the road with the relics you collected earlier.

AFK Arena - Sandy Highway travel walkthrough

Now move the top cart to the left using the switch next to it and head towards Portal 1.

Step 5

Now you need to clear the railroad from the cargo cart in order to get to Portal 2. Use the yellow lever again to remove the first obstacle in your path.

AFK Arena - Sandy Highway travel walkthrough

Step 6

Follow the railroad and remove obstacle after obstacle. Use the switch as shown in the screenshot. Then use the cart lever again and you will reach Portal 2.

AFK Arena - Sandy Highway travel walkthrough

Step 7

To get to Portal 3, you need to move the cart to the right. Destroy the boss camps and move the cart over it to close the direct path.

AFK Arena - Sandy Highway travel walkthrough

Step 8

Walk right and move the right cart down to pick up the supply cart (as shown in the screenshot).

AFK Arena - Sandy Highway travel walkthrough

Then use the blue lever. Then destroy all the camps in your path and take the Golden Chest.

Step 9

Go to the top right corner where you need to clear another camp and also use another rail switch and set it to the center position. Then destroy all other camps and take all Gold Chests.

AFK Arena - Sandy Highway travel walkthrough

Step 10

There is the final boss camp on the railroad, after the destruction of which, you can move the supply cart from Portal 2 to Portal 3 and take the Crystal Chest.

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Author of the article
Sergey Tatarenko
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