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AFK Arena - Frosty Backwoods Journey Walkthrough

AFK Arena - Frosty Backwoods Journey Walkthrough

AFK Arena received update 1.38, which added another Wonderful Journey to the game - Frosty Outback. In it, you need to clear a path past the lasers to unlock a secret weapon that will help you win the final boss battle.

Recommended relics:

  • Herald of Fire and Ice
  • Moonstone and Sunstone
  • Poisonous hug
  • Quiet hope
  • The sands of Time
  • Horn of war
  • Deadly embrace
  • Spiderweb gloves
  • Any relics to enhance attack and damage
  • Relics for Crete


AFK Arena - Frosty Backwoods Journey Walkthrough

Hidden chest for 777 diamonds

AFK Arena - Frosty Backwoods Journey Walkthrough

Step 1

At the very beginning, you will see two camps, for the destruction of which you will receive relics. After that, a red laser will open, which will block your path to the north, so go to the left side of the map.

AFK Arena - Frosty Backwoods Journey Walkthrough

Step 2

You will see a red lever that needs to be lowered down so that a barrel appears at the bottom. Now go to the two enemy camps, destroy them, and then use the cannon to destroy the barrel.

AFK Arena - Frosty Backwoods Journey Walkthrough

Step 3

The red lever has opened the way to the north, so head there. Use the green lever, after which you will see a green stone with a cart rise above.

Return to the location from step 2.

AFK Arena - Frosty Backwoods Journey Walkthrough

Step 4

Step on the red stone, and then use the lever - you will find yourself at the top of the map. There will be several enemy camps that need to be destroyed. Then move on until you see a blue lever.

AFK Arena - Frosty Backwoods Journey Walkthrough

Step 5

First, use the blue lever to pick up the blue stone. Now use the snow cannon to shoot a snowball in the path of the blue laser. Use the portal to return to the lower level.

AFK Arena - Frosty Backwoods Journey Walkthrough

Step 6

Now you need to use the red lever to lower the red stone and go to the snow cannon.

AFK Arena - Frosty Backwoods Journey Walkthrough

Shoot the snow cannon to make the snow land on the blue rock, then step on the green rock and use the green lever to climb to the next level.

Step 7

You need to destroy all enemies and go north. Here you will see the boss Talen, but without a special weapon, you cannot defeat him.

AFK Arena - Frosty Backwoods Journey Walkthrough

Step 8

Be sure to destroy this camp and take the chest, as later you will not be able to reach it. After you kill everyone, return to the lower level using the portal.

AFK Arena - Frosty Backwoods Journey Walkthrough

Step 9

It's time to set the blue laser on the blue stone. To do this, go from the portal to the red lever and lower it down, then step on it and go up.

After that, go to the blue lever and use it. After that, use the portal to return to the lower level.

AFK Arena - Frosty Backwoods Journey Walkthrough

Step 10

Lower the red lever again, then go to the green stone and use the green lever to rise again.

AFK Arena - Frosty Backwoods Journey Walkthrough

Now head right where you will see a camp, a chest, and a yellow lever. Destroy the camp, take the chest and use the lever.

AFK Arena - Frosty Backwoods Journey Walkthrough

Step 11

Head north where you will find several camps that need to be destroyed. Then you will see a secondary boss, which is not very difficult. But if you are having difficulties or you have collected bad relics, then you may have to restart the journey.

AFK Arena - Frosty Backwoods Journey Walkthrough

Step 12

Return to the portal, which will lower you to the lower level, where you will face a battle with the main boss - 5 Talens. The boss is invincible, no matter what relics you have, but you can shoot the boss with the cannon below and he will disappear.

AFK Arena - Frosty Backwoods Journey Walkthrough

Step 13

The problem is that you need to change the levers again so you can get to the Stargazer card chest. Go to the green lever, go to the very right side of the map and use the yellow lever, and then just take the chest.

AFK Arena - Frosty Backwoods Journey Walkthrough

Where is the hidden chest

There is one hidden chest left, which will give you 777 diamonds. To pick it up, first make sure you have the blue lever activated.

Then go through the blue portal to the orange portal seven times, and back. For the eighth time, you will teleport to a hidden chest.

AFK Arena - Frosty Backwoods Journey Walkthrough

If done correctly, you will find yourself behind the last camp. Now you have to fight 5 Thalens, but they are of a low level, so the battle will not be difficult - especially if you have Shemira.

After the victory, step on the cell where the boss was. If you did everything correctly, a hidden chest will open.

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Author of the article
Sergey Tatarenko
The only administrator and executor of all affairs on the site.
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  1. For the hidden chest to open, the blue lever also needs to be activated. I suffered for a long time, but it worked out

  2. Go there without knowing where and do it without knowing what ... ... I would have such help

  3. He collected all three chests but shows that he took only two and the stage hangs as not passed ...

    1. That is, after you killed the boss and stood on his cage, you have a hidden chest, you took it, but it shows that the chest did not come? And restarting the trip did not help?

  4. After the update, I can not enter the game, just a black screen, who has the same? Help(

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