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Genshin Impact - passage of the quest Time and Wind

Genshin Impact - passage of the quest Time and Wind

Time and Wind is a quest on the Nameless Island in Genshin Impact, where you will find a puzzle and a battle with the boss of the Eye of the Storm.

Get to the Nameless Island

The Nameless Island is located in the sea east of Starcatcher Cliff and is not marked on your map. You have two ways to get to the small island in the distance: fly from the Cliff (you need Venti and stamina) or use your characters' cryogenic techniques to freeze the water in the sea and create an icy path to the island.

Genshin Impact - passage of the quest Time and Wind

Solve the puzzle

Interact with the sundial on the island and read the inscription. Then jump to the beach to the right of the sundial and next to the ruined camp you will find a fragile rock. Destroy the stone and take the journal under it, from which you will learn that the riddle can only be solved between 2:00 am and 5:00 am.

Genshin Impact - passage of the quest Time and Wind

Set the sundial at the time in the indicated interval, and then activate elemental vision. Follow the invisible trail to the rock in the water north of the island. Here you will find a green glowing sphere that can be destroyed with wind magic. After that, three more spheres will appear that need to be destroyed:

  1. Located on the other side of the beach, above a column in the water.
  2. To the right of the sundial on a tall pillar.
  3. Behind the sundial in the middle of the arches protruding from the water.

Genshin Impact - passage of the quest Time and Wind

Defeat the Eye of the Storm

After the destruction of three spheres, a large sphere will appear in the center of the island - destroy it with wind magic. Then the boss Eye of the Storm will appear, for which you must be at least level 40 to destroy. If you don't want to fight him, lure the boss to the back of the island, fly to the arches and fall into the water. If the boss touches the water, he will immediately die.

Genshin Impact - passage of the quest Time and Wind

Find the Eye of the Storm again

After your victory, a strong wind will appear on the island - use it to return to the mainland. You will land south of the Temple of a Thousand Winds in the second sundial. Read the inscription and set the time again between 2:00 - 5:00.

Genshin Impact - passage of the quest Time and Wind

Use your elemental vision to locate the wind orbs near the sundial and destroy them. You must then destroy the large sphere, after which the Eye of the Storm boss will reappear. You can deal with him in a fair fight or lure him into the water again.

After the victory, talk to Henry Morton to complete the quest and receive your reward.

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Author of the article
Sergey Tatarenko
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