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Genshin Impact - walkthrough of Lost / Found treasure quest

Genshin Impact - walkthrough of Lost / Found treasure quest

Lost and Found Treasure is one of the most challenging quests in Genshin Impact, in which you'll need to find stone and jade tablets in order to end up with valuable treasures.

Start the quest and find the stone tablets

You will receive a quest from Soraya, who is standing in front of the ruins in the southern part of the Gili Plain. Your first task is to find 5 ancient stone tablets.

  1. At the very beginning of the plains, look to the left.
  2. Then, at the very beginning of the plains, turn right. Several opponents are waiting for you near the stone tablet.
  3. In the northeastern part of the location. An enemy is waiting for you in front of the sign.
  4. Relatively central part of the main area of ​​the plains.
  5. In the southeastern part of the region.

Genshin Impact - walkthrough of Lost / Found treasure quest

After you find the stone tablets, talk to Soraya. Then you need to find two more stone tablets. This time it will be easier for you, because the places are marked on your map. The first tablet is at the ruins to the west of the Gili Plains, and the second is at the ruins to the southeast. Here you need to enter a building, but the entrance is blocked by thorny vines. Set them on fire (there are explosive barrels in front of them).

Go to the ruins and find the jade tablets

After another conversation with Soraya, you need to visit her later at the Vanchu Hotel. Use the teleportation point in the hotel and you will land right in front of Soraya. Talk to her again for the next assignment. Now you need to find four ruins and find jade tablets there.

  • Ruins southwest of Wangshu Inn: The decal is protected by a wind barrier. You must climb a rock or pillar behind it to jump down to the sign.
  • Ruins by Lake Luhua: The tablet is protected by enemies and vines with thorns. You can ignore opponents, but you need to burn the vines to get to the tablet.
  • Ruins southeast of Gili: The jade tablet is on the roof of the building where you found the stone tablet before.
  • Ruins northeast of Gili: located next to rocks and guarded by enemies.

Genshin Impact - walkthrough of Lost / Found treasure quest

Find the last ruins and complete the quest

Once you find all the jade tablets and talk to Soraya at the Vanchu Inn, you need to go in search of the last ruins. They are located slightly north of Gili. They are easy to recognize by the round reservoir on the map.

When you activate the device, three guards of the ruins will wake up and you must defeat them. Shoot them in the head with a bow to briefly stun them, and try to fight the guards individually. After your victory, the water in the lake will disappear and you can go down. Open all the treasure chests and return to Soraya one last time to complete the quest.

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Sergey Tatarenko
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